Melissa Gorga Fine With Her Family’s Life “On Display”

Oh. Em. Gee.  It's ironic that I am writing a blog about Melissa Gorga's time on Real Housewives of New Jersey while watching this explosive reunion.  I am only seven minutes in and Teresa Giudice is claiming she never said things that Bravo caught on camera.  Wow.  That said, Jacqueline Laurita needs to take her new found backbone and zip it.  Gahhhh!  I so wish someone other than Andy Cohen were mediating this snit show 😉 .  John Salley, perhaps?  Kidding.  We need Anderson Cooper!

Melissa is speaking out about her time on the show, saying that while it ruined her family, she wouldn't change the experience.  Of course she wouldn't.  I am starting to wonder if any of these women isn't a total fame seeking mess.  Holy heck, did Teresa just make Nicholas' autism about her???  I am going to get back to this post before I reach through my television.  It's bad when these women are making Danielle Staub look sane.  Okay, I'm back on track.  I think.  So, let's revisit Melissa talking about her time on the show, shall we?


Melissa recently spoke with Huffington Post about her experience with RHONJ.  “There is always good with bad, I didn’t come on the show to bring anyone down. I didn’t come on to expose anyone. I came on to show we have a great life and we worked hard to have that life," Melissa says.

She continues, "We weren’t born with silver spoons in our mouths. You can have parents that immigrate here and build a great life. Was it worth it? Yes and no. At night, I can put my head on my pillow because I’m not doing anything wrong. I’m not trying to hurt anyone. I cannot control what other people do to me or how Teresa [Giudice's] actions are hurting this family. For me, it's worth it, because I’m not doing anything wrong.”

Melissa insists that the show hasn't changed her very much, telling the site, “I have to say though, I haven’t changed much. I haven’t changed much with what goes on in my house, what I do with my friends, what I do on Saturday night. There are a lot more red carpet events but other than that I’ve kept it the same. I still get my kids off to school in the morning and I still make dinner every night. I’m maintaining everything as normal as possible.”

However, Melissa is going to use the show to make sure we all hear her music.  Whoopee!  She admits, “All the housewives use the show to market. My sister-in-law does that with her cookbooks, they all use the show to their advantage, which is the least Bravo can do for us. We give them all our lives, we give them all our drama. It feels great that people are embracing my music — that’s the best part. But at the end of the day, I’m a wife, I’m a mother, I have a family and that comes first for me.”

So apparently, even though the show has ruined her family, Melissa's cool as long as she's "On Display."  These women are a piece of work!


[Photo Credit: Twitter]