VIDEO: Bethenny Frankel Jumps In The Bathtub On Her Show; Says She’s The R-Rated Oprah

We give Bethenny Frankel a lot of crap for a multitude of things, but we give credit where credit is due = the woman is fearless and she doesn’t take herself too seriously.

Bethenny’s new talk show has been making a few headlines over it’s saucy topics – mostly sex – and she’s making no excuses for it.  The former Housewife says she’s like Oprah, only dirtier.   She tells In Touch magazine, “I’m the R-rated Oprah!”

Bethenny says she is just like every other woman out there and wants to keep the conversation real.  “I’m talking about what my friends are talking about every day.  We aren’t talking about politics — we’re talking about dating, marriage and what men think.”

She shares why she’s been focusing on sex as the topic of many of the first episodes of her show, which is finishing it’s third week on the air.  “Someone says they don’t have enough of it, and someone else says it’s boring.  But the bottom line is, I’m just like many of the married women in America who watch my show. Sometimes we just want to spice it up a little bit.”


A prime example is a recent show segment about steaming things up with your partner.  In the middle of the piece, Bethenny just says “eff it” and jumps in a bathtub full of water, demonstrating that she’s not too cool to just go for it and be hands-on with participation.  She didn’t care that she had on a nice outfit nor did she worry what anyone would think about her stripping down to her tank top and hoisting up her skirt – she just went for it.  Love her or hate her – Skinnygirl’s got balls.  See the hilarious video below.

Photo credit: BethennyTV