Teen Mom OG cheers to a new season

Teen Mom OG Recap: New G’s Meet the Old G’s

New Teen Mom OG cast meet

Finally on last night’s episode of Teen Mom OG, we witness the OG moms meeting the newbies, Bristol Palin and Cheyenne Floyd. This is a meeting we all have been waiting for considering the surprise choices MTV made this season.

Cheyenne and Bristol meet in the green room for the first time. Bristol is optimistic, but Cheyenne is more nervous about how things will go meeting an already close knit cast.

The OG’s are bonding and laughing and talking when the producers bring in Cheyenne and Bristol. Everyone seems to be in good spirits and they all seem to bond off of their mutual dislike for Farrah Abraham. Sounds about right, Farrah can definitely clear out a room and now her absence is bringing people together. All is right with the world.


Amber in NY during press week

Amber Portwood

Amber Portwood lays down the law with the producers and lets them know that they need to be introduced to the new moms before they begin the day so that they can start out on the right foot. She feels that the show should of given them more R-E-S-P-E-C-T to let them know who the moms were before filming started, since in their eyes the cast is like family and very personal to them.

Gary is meeting up with a private investigator to get more information on his biological dad. Turns out his half-brother could actually be his full brother but they will have to take a blood test to find out for sure.  He gets the results and finds out that they don’t have the same father, which is really upsetting because he thought this test may reveal a missing link. I really hope Gary’s mom gives him more information; it’s probably extremely hard not to know who your father is, but even worse when the person who has the information isn’t giving you much to go on.

Amber fears she may be pregnant, please no. Okay…whew!!!!! She is not pregnant and realizes it’s not the time to have another child. Andrew seemed bummed that she wasn’t pregnant. I am glad that she will have more time to enjoy her new baby and relationship and co-parenting for Leah before having another child with her new boyfriend, Andrew.


Teen Mom OG Recap: New G’ Meet the Old G’s

Catelynn Baltierra

Tyler Baltierra meets up with his mom and they discuss his sister’s drug issues. He doesn’t believe his sister is a drug addict, but thinks she is “a very irresponsible partier”. Ummm… wth???? Did Tyler forget how his house was trashed and looked like a hoarder house?!?!?!  I’m sorry, but I would call that a little more than “irresponsible.” It doesn’t matter that she is taking opioids and not meth; she clearly has an addiction because it is affecting her life and her family. She is in rehab for goodness sake!  Last I checked, she wasn’t learning how to party responsibly, she is learning about her addiction and how to avoid the triggers and abstain from drugs. Wow… the delusion is real on this show!

Tyler visits his dad, Butch in Austin and he seems to be doing really well. Butch has a new house in a nice neighborhood and even has a license, which he hasn’t had in at least 10 years. They discuss Amber and her issues and how she is doing in rehab. Butch like everyone else tries to get Tyler to empathize with his sister and all that she is going through. Tyler is just done at this point.

Catelynn Baltierra returns home and updates Tyler on how everything went in New York. She really vibed with Cheyenne but feels like it may take some more time to get to know Bristol. She felt she was a little more conservative and uptight than she is, so it will take time to see how things will go. Given that Tyler already was quoted in the blogs saying MTV’s choice to add Bristol was “weird”, I don’t think they will be besties anytime soon.


Cheyenne going to airport

Cheyenne Floyd

Cory drops off Cheyenne and her blond wig off at the airport for press week, she reveals she is nervous about meeting the other moms and is worried they will not like her. Cory reminds her that if nothing else, she has Bristol who she can relate to since she is new as well. I am still wondering why her BOYFRIEND, Zach didn’t drop her off, but whatevs, I clearly don’t understand the ins and outs of a love triangle.

Bristol at press week

Bristol Palin

Dakota thinks Bristol is brainwashing his kids, now that they are getting a divorce. After being with her mom, his two year old daughter came home and said “daddy stole mommy’s money”.  Dakota claims it was an error that the money was taken, but Bristol insists he stole her money and is upset about the thousands of dollars in lawyer fees to resolve the situation.

Bristol meets up with her friend in New York to bash Dakota more on camera. Her friend even sheds tears and agrees with her scorn. Listen, I don’t know if money was stolen or not, both have a different story, but it seems like Bristol’s entire story-line so far is her visible contempt for her ex –husband. He may be the worse person on earth (I don’t believe that is the case), but the fact that it’s obvious you are trying to make viewers believe he is bad guy, which makes her look very manipulative in my eyes.


Maci out with friends

Maci Bookout

Jen and Larry have talked to Bentley about Ryan going to rehab and have decided to call Maci Bookout and tell her about it after she returns from press week in New York. I still don’t understand why they think it’s appropriate to have these serious conversations about Bentley’s father without filling in Maci before speaking to her child.   Per usual, they are both stirring the tea cup and trying to make us go to the sunken place and see Ryan in a different light. Sorry, but I don’t care how many times you try and create a new narrative, Ryan definitely has some major issues and EVERYONE can see that very clearly. If you don’t believe me, please see the episode where he gets married… Yikes

Maci comes back from New York, to find out that Ryan is in rehab for 90 days. She feels like if he messes up after this stint in rehab, she may have to really cut him off from Bentley. She really wants him to learn how to work out his issues without the influence of drugs and alcohol. During this scene, she actually has some nice things to say about Ryan and seems to really want him to get back on track.

 There were no cat fights or snotty comments during press week, so I would say all in all the meet up went well. We don’t know what will happen in the future, but for now all the new and old moms seem to at least be cordial.

Teen Mom OG cheers to a new season


[Photo Credit: MTV]