Jacqueline Laurita
WATCH WHAT HAPPENS LIVE -- Episode 13119 -- Pictured: Jacqueline Laurita -- (Photo by: Charles Sykes/Bravo)

Jacqueline Laurita: “I May Hit Below The Belt … But At Least I Hit With The Truth”

Jacqueline Laurita blog

For better or for worse, Jacqueline Laurita is a full-time housewife on the Real Housewives of New Jersey again, and she is doing the most to make sure the viewers – and Teresa Giudice – notice her.

For once, Jacqueline‘s blog was not all about her drama with Teresa. “I think I’ve covered most of what I wanted to say in my other blogs regarding my fight with Teresa, so I’m not going to touch on it much more in this blog. The bottom line is, in reality, Teresa was the one who brought up the past in every situation we discussed that night at my house,” she said. “I just held her accountable for her own actions in each situation.” #HugeWasteOfTime


Teresa never seems to take accountability for her own actions. It’s frustrating,” added Jacqueline. Yes, I agree. But, at the same time, it’s time to let go of that expectation. Teresa Giudice will NEVER change. Period.

“I may hit below the belt sometimes, but at least I hit with the truth. When you challenge me, I will challenge you back. Teresa and I share the same zodiac sign – Taurus. Two stubborn bulls!” she said. “Right now, our horns are locked.”

RELATED: Jacqueline Says Teresa Giudice Is Delusional And In Denial

Moving on to her phone call to Joe, Jacqueline explained why she didn’t think she needed to call Melissa Gorga if she wanted to talk to Joe Gorga

“I felt we were all close enough friends by now that I could pick up the phone to speak to him if I needed to clear something up that he was involved in,” shared Jacqueline. “It had nothing to do with Melissa. I didn’t want to involve her. The telephone game never works. When I have an issue with someone, I like to go right to the source. That’s just my way. “

Jacqueline went on to say that Teresa 1) lied about Joe, 2) threw Joe under the bus, 3) had an agenda, and 4) never wanted Jacqueline to be friends with Joe and Melissa.

“I’m glad to know now that Joe never told Teresa not to trust me two years ago while Joe and I were friends. I do not understand why Teresa threw her brother under the bus like that,” said Jacqueline. “I guess by lying, Teresa was looking to cause problems between her brother and me. I’m not sure why she brought her brother up unless she was purposely trying to create a wedge between him and I. Teresa knew Joe and I were friends, but I guess she always tried to sway my opinion of Melissa and Joe, even before I even met them. Luckily for them, I always like to give people the benefit of doubt first and judge people by my own experiences with them and not somebody else’s.”

About Jacqueline‘s daughter’s (now) fiance, Pete, Jacqueline said he asked her and Chris over Thanksgiving for their blessing to ask Ashlee to marry him. “Of course we said that it was up to them, but we loved him like a son. We would not object. He had been in Ashlee‘s life for almost six years by then and they had been dating as a couple for about 1 1/2 years.”

“When Pete told me at dinner that he was ready to go buy Ashlee an engagement ring, I think I went numb for a second..and dropped my fork! LOL! I didn’t know what to say. I was thrilled for them and excited for their future. I was honored that he wanted me to go with him to pick out rings. I wanted to go, but I wanted the choice to come from him. It’s such a personal gift. I didn’t know his budget or what he had in mind to buy her, and I didn’t want to give my input on something so personal and between them.”

RELATED: Pete Malleo and Ashlee Holmes Are Expecting Their First Child

Jacqueline explained what she meant when she told Pete he could “upgrade” the engagement ring down the road. Because, priorities! “My only message to him was that the gesture is more important than the ring, so as a young couple, he didn’t need to go all out on a ring. They could always upgrade later as the years go on if they felt they wanted to do that. I just let Pete do his thing, and I just observed.”

“I think you could all see that Pete did REALLY GOOD!” she concluded. “I knew Ashlee would be thrilled! I was thrilled for the both of them. Ashlee finally found her special someone!”


Photo Credit: Charles Sykes/Bravo