Teresa Giudice Addresses Brother Joe’s Hurtful Comments; Confused Over Melissa Gorga’s Choice Of Questions For Penny

Teresa giudice

Teresa Giudice is upset with Joe Gorga for the hurtful comments on the past few episodes of Real Housewives of New Jersey and she's setting him straight on a few things in her new blog.  She's also confused and trying to figure out what sort of game Penny Karagiorgis and Melissa are playing. 

Teresa says that Joe blasted her advice as terrible and he's got one amazing memory because he's recalling things from when he was only three years old? "Last week he said no one should "take advice" from me. That really hurt because I was good enough for Joey to take advice and help from when he was first starting his business. Then this week he tells some ridiculous story about how I acted when I was 5. Here's what's funny: he was 3 at the time. How long is he going to keep talking trash about his only sister? I wish he would stop, but it is taking a toll. You can only get hurt so much before you get numb. This week, when he was spewing garbage about me, I was numb. I don't know what that means, but that's how I feel now."


Teresa is flabbergasted that what was supposed to be a confrontation about the origins of the cheating rumors, turned into ANOTHER rehash of the "father in law hospital visit" crapola.  "First of all, I couldn't believe Melissa's questions. We were finally together to confront Penny together about the awful cheating rumors she has supposedly been spreading about Melissa. And the first thing Melissa asks her? About MY FATHER in the hospital. WHAT?  Why would that be Melissa's sudden concern? My father was in the hospital a couple of times months earlier. Penny and her husband have tweeted lots and lots of horrible things about Melissa's past for years and THAT'S the only thing Melissa is upset about? My father? Why my father? To deflect from the rumors about her? To distract Penny from saying things she knows about her? To make me mad so I would get more involved?" 

Teresa is convinced that Penny and Melissa are in on something together and playing a little game and avoiding the real issues at hand, "Whatever Melissa's calculated reason was, it worked. The entire thing turned around on me. For two years Penny has been tweeting exclusively about Melissa, and in two seconds, it gets turned around on me."   She continued, "How would Penny know about the controversy of when Melissa did or didn't go visit my dad in the hospital? We had filmed about it in public, me asking Melissa. There were lots of people there that could have told her.   Right then, when Penny brought up my dad in the hospital, I knew what was going on. I knew that she and Melissa were playing some kind of game, and I wasn't going to play along. "

It's obvious to Teresa that Penny's motives are purely selfish, as she's trying to land a spot as a Housewife.  Please, NO.  "I can't figure out Penny and why she says what she says except that she wanted to be a Housewife. Her stories don't make sense, she does talk out of both sides of her mouth. She says she didn't do anything, then she says someone else made her do it. My favorite line of the night was from Jacqueline: 'What are you 5? You make your own decisions. It doesn't matter what someone else told you to do, you chose to do it.'"

In other Teresa Giudice news, she shared that production of Fabellini has moved to Italy. Did you see that we were drinking Fabellini? I'm super excited that our new formulation will be hitting stores nationwide in the next couple of weeks! To bring the price down and make it taste even better, we moved production to Italy. Fabellini is now made in the heart of Ferrari country."


Photo Credit: Bravo TV