Jersey Shore Strike Continues, The Situation Signs Deal, MTV Caving In?

It seems MTV might have learned a thing or two from the last time they had to negotiate with the Jersey Shore cast.

As we reported yesterday, the JS cast is currently on strike, and refusing to film for the all new 3rd season.  The reason? They cast wants more money, more than the $10,000 per episode they got for season 2.

During the negotiations for the 2nd season, the cast decided to take a Friends approach by all sticking together and striking a deal together.  Things are however different this go around as TMZ is reporting some of the popular cast members, aka The Situation and Snooki are being offered more money than the rest.

The first to take the bait? The Situation according to a new TMZ report.  His manager confirmed yesterday that he has signed a new deal for the third season.  And how much does he stand to make?  Just a mere $27,500 to $45,000 per episode.  Not bad for a kid who calls himself ‘The Situation.’

As for the rest of the cast, the strike rages on.  A new report by the Hollywood Reporter however states a new deal should be reached any day now.

The cast asked MTV for $30,000 per episode — a 200% raise, and it seems MTV is caving in by countering with a number that’s close to that figure.  Sources also tell TMZ that MTV thinks they have “magic in a bottle” with this group and would like to keep the cast intact.