The Hills Series Finale Is Tonight! Lauren Conrad Returns Plus Spencer Pratt To Crash Aftershow?

The Hills last season

The show that started back in 2006 as a spin-off of Laguna Beach is finally coming to an end tonight. A quick look at the above cast photo of the current cast tells you all you need to know about the changes the show has endured since it premiered 4 years ago.

Another look at the above cast is also a great indication of why most fans of the show are more than ready for it to be finally over. Quite frankly, the Hills today is simply not the show we all fell in love with several years ago. From Heidi Montag’s atrocious cartoonish phsycial change to numerous reports of the entire show being fake and the cast actually being given scripts, it becomes more apparent as to why the show’s ratings have taken a tremendous dip in the last few seasons.

The departure of the show’s star Lauren Conrad, who has since written a best seller, and addition of the proclaimed “bitch” Kristin Cavallari, who made headlines this year for allegedly being a coke-head, definitely failed to help matters or resurrect the ailing show. And there’s no need to even touch on the additions of the random siblings, aka Stephanie Pratt and Holly Montag.

Not appearing in tonight’s finale or after-show are Spencer Pratt and wife Heidi. At first the two’s famewhoring shenanigans were obnoxious but somewhat entertaining to watch. Things however took an extreme turn for the darker side when Heidi came out this year with a new face, new boobs, new ears, new butt, new stomach, and new thighs. Just like that, the Heidi/Spencer union stopped being funny. The world suddenly realized just how troubled these two really were.

But the worst had yet to come. Reports then came out that Spencer was kicked off the show for 6 weeks after threatening to kill a female producer on the show. Spencer’s hiatus from the show however became permanent when he and his wife falsely accused the show’s creator, Adam Divello, of sexually harassing Heidi.

Returning tonight are the show’s alums, Lauren and Whitney Port. Lauren jumped ship last year, while Whitney left the show 2 years ago to star on The City. The two will be appearing on the Hill’s after show. The Hills series finale airs tonight at 10:00pm Eastern.

Above is the season 1 cast photo of the show back when it was real as well as a before and after of Heidi, kind of puts things into perspective uh?

Moving right along. In true famewhore fashion, there are now reports that Spencer Pratt is planning to crash the Hills’ after show party tonight. PEOPLE magazine reports the 26-year-old reality-douche tweeted on Tuesday: “Booking my room @Roosevelt Hotel Hollywood now that I have no place to live I think i should just move in there today (to) stay near the action.”

It just so happens that the Hollywood Roosevelt is the location of tonight’s finale party for the show. Spencer and his “estranged” wife Heidi are however not on the guest list. Guess it’s a chance you take as a famewhore when you decide to falsely accuse the hands that feed you of sexual harassment. The chances of Spencer making it into the party tonight is likely a big zero.