NJ Housewife Danielle Staub Embarks On Singing Career, Records Song

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While we continue to be in awe at the amazing classic masterpiece video created for Countess LuAnn’s song “Money Can’t Buy You Class,” comes news that a new housewife is ready to give her some competition!

According to PEOPLE, Danielle Staub of the Real Housewives of New Jersey has decided to embark on a singing career. Her genre of choice? Pop music. Danielle is not wasting any time and has in fact recorded a duet called “Real Close” with singer Lori Michaels, who wrote the track.

“It’s a song about having commitment issues — one person is leaving, the other person is staying,” Danielle tells PEOPLE. “It’s called ‘Real Close’ because you want to pull the person closer.” Danielle also shares there will be five versions of the song, which will all be released in eight weeks.

But the question everyone wants to know is can she sing? “I sang in an R&B band when I was a young teen,” says Danielle. “It’s been a long time since I exercised [my musical chops] but when I was sitting down going over Lori’s music, this song grabbed me.”

And when it comes to her fellow NJ housewives, Danielle reveals she doesn’t “care what they think,” of her move to become a singer. “I don’t have a relationship with them.”