Kameron Westcott Real Housewives Of Dallas

Kameron Westcott Defends Herself On Tonight’s Real Housewives Of Dallas

Last week’s Real Housewives of Dallas ended with the ladies in complete disarray after a fight between Brandi Redmond and Kameron Westcott about what one does with napkins and trash.

Stephanie Hollman is having a difficult trip to begin with and has an emotional reaction to Kameron calling her BFF “trash.” Stephanie turns to Kary Brittingham for advice on how she should handle the delicate situation.

RELATED:  Real Housewives Of Dallas Recap: No, No Mi Amigas!

The comment also brought up childhood traumas for Brandi. Brandi and Kameron meet at the beach to hash things out. They try to get their friendship back on track. However, the discussion ends with Kameron proclaiming herself the victim and storming off.

RELATED: Real Housewives Of Dallas Star Brandi Redmond Thinks Kameron Westcott Always Thought Less Of Her

After all this drama the women clearly need a detox so they head to a ceremonial sweat lodge for a mud bath. Everyone appears much more cemented after the bonding experience, but dinner, once again, tips things over the edge into disaster. These women have some serious food stresses, clearly! After making amends with LeeAnne Locken earlier this year, Brandi and LeeAnne wind up in an argument about using their childhood issues to garner sympathy.

D’Andra Simmons finds herself awkwardly in the middle when pressed by LeeAnne about her opinion.

RELATED:  LeeAnne Locken Calls Out D’Andra Simmons For Making Cheating Allegations About Rich Emberlin In Her Confessionals, But Not To Her Face

Well, paradise this Mexican getaway is not! And it’s definitely time to toss this trip in the trash.

Watch Real Housewives Of Dallas tonight at 9 PM on Bravo. Comment throughout the episode on this post. Tweet us with your thoughts. Follow us on InstagramLike our page on Facebook. And make sure to check our site tomorrow for our Real Housewives Of Dallas recap!


[Photo Credit: Bravo]