Little Women: Atlanta finale recap

Little Women: Atlanta Finale Recap: Daddy Issues

On last night’s season finale of Little Women: Atlanta, Minnie Ross turned over a new leaf and Amanada Salinas took the first step in independence from her twin.  

The trip to Savannah was anything but relaxing for the ladies, who had to endure an entire weekend of Monie Cashette arguing with Minnie. Now back in Atlanta, everyone realizes they need to make positive changes in their lives. For Amanda that means moving out with her boyfriend Jordan, who finally got a job (in a tire shop!). Amanda is afraid to tell Andrea Salinas that, for the first time in their lives, she wants some space. 


After having serious doubts about her relationship to Chris, Andrea had a change of heart and realized he was the one – they celebrate with matching name tattoos. Love. Classiness. Andrea’s happiness makes it all the more difficult for Amanda to break this so-called awful news. Luckily they are able to distract themselves by focusing on fixing Monie and Minnie’s friendship by secretly inviting the ladies over so they’re forced to talk face-to-face. The twins hope it will work!

Minnie is still very upset over the situation with Monie, especially since she’s made a huge decision that will seriously impact her future: She contacted the man who she believes is her father and asked him to submit to a DNA test. She’s done this in the past but he’s always refused – this time he finally agreed. TV is a powerful allure! Minnie recounts her painful childhood of him denying her and never being involved, which also deeply hurt her mother who raised Minnie by herself, with zero support from Minnie’s dad.

Minnie tells her mother and her aunt about the DNA test. Her mother takes the news stoically but is extremely supportive of Minnie’s desire to learn the truth – she’s also surprised her father finally agreed. I love her mom and I think they have  wonderful relationship.  

The Cheeks are also making big changes. Bri Barlup has decided she must handle the situation with Wooda. She’s been hiding out at Emily Fernandez‘s house while Wooda remains in their old apartment, but it’s time for Emily and Malik to move back home and for Wooda to get his own place. 

Emily is excited to learn whether or not she’s having a boy or a girl, and if the baby is average or little. First good news from the doctor – Emily has only gained 1 lb since her last appointment, plus her blood pressure is normal. Emily stopped drinking soda and is eating healthier – funny how that works! Bri is there in support since Lontel is working and can’t make the ultrasound. Suuuuure. 

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The other good news – it’s a boy! Emily is overjoyed. Then the doctor takes measurements. She determines that at this point  the baby is average-sized, going by the length of his legs and the size of his head. Emily acknowledges this is probably better in the long run since little babies often have significant health problems. 

With Monie feuding with Minnie, Monie is staying close to home and focusing on her relationship to Morlin. She surprises him with a homemade taco dinner and wine. Morlin is pleased she’s making the effort and the food is actually good! She mentions that if this whole voice over career doesn’t work out, maybe she’ll just become a full-time housewife! Monie is as Monie wants (but does not do!). Morlin threatens that she’ll need to have a baby to accomplish that goal. “He better put a ring on it first,” snaps Monie. I think we just found next season’s storyline: Monie & Morlin: The Wedding.

Over dinner, Monie confesses that the situation with Minnie is bad – she’s still hurt that Minnie, of all people, would lie to her about Pastor Troy. Morlin agrees it was not right. Still, Monie misses Minnie and their friendship, so she wants to mend things. 

Which is why the twins secret meeting is perfect! Minnie arrives first. She confesses to being very upset about Savannah and really wants her friendship with Monie back. By the time Monie arrives, Minnie is more than ready to fix things.

Minnie hopes they can put the past behind them. She apologizes, again, for lying. The twins encourage them, because if they can learn to get along with The Cheeks, then Minnie and Monie can do it. Minnie agrees – she and Monie were the ones encouraging the Cheeks and The Twins to get past their differences, now they have to practice what the preach! 

Monie admits to having reservations, but realizes their friendship is more important. She wants to move on too. Everyone hugs and then Minnie announces that she’s having a “Minnie’s Turning Over A New Leaf” party to unveil the results of her dad’s DNA test. Monie is shocked, but encouraging. She’s also worried about what Minnie’s mom really thinks. 

Minnie realizes she needs to double-check that her mom is OK with the process, but Minnie’s mom is incredibly supportive. She really wants Minnie to find closure. Minnie believes that growing up without a father has led her down the wrong path in relationships – ya’think! – and she is deeply sad that he missed out on so much of her life. Minnie is hopeful that if the results confirm he is her father, he’ll want that relationship with her. Her mom is wary and reminds Minnie that if he doesn’t, it’s his loss. They hug and it’s very sweet. 

Emily drives Bri to her apartment to confront Wooda. Emily waits outside to make sure Bri is OK. I guess just in case it went badly? Bri tells Wooda he needs to move out because things cannot stay this way. If he doesn’t want a relationship with her, she is not going to let him live here, stringing her along. She gives him one week. He agrees to be out before then and to share custody of Malik. Wooda will get him every other weekend. In the meantime, he’s on the couch. Emily is sad, but realizes it’s the best thing for Malik to see his mother be strong and independent than waiting on Wooda. Good for her! 

Later, Emily gets a visit from her dad and her daughter Ava. She shares the news that Ava is going to be a big sister by wrapping up a bunch of baby items, including a shirt that says “Big Sister” on it and giving it to her. So is Ava going to actually live with Emily now????? 

Amanda and Andrea go to SkyZone with their boyfriends, where they wear matching “Legit” hats. Why? What? Horrible. This where Amanda finally breaks the news that she and Jordan are moving out. Cause that’s the perfect location for life-changing talks. Is this 16 & Pregnant? Andrea tears up a bit, but accepts it’s the best thing for both of their relationships. Still – she wants Amanda to text her before she goes to the bathroom or straightens her hair. 

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That weekend Amanda and Jordan move out while Andrea becomes hysterical. 

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Minnie does her DNA test with Monie there for support. Minnie is anxious about the results, but decided she needs to know. 

Minnie isn’t opening the results envelope until her party in front of the group. Her mom does not seem nervous – she obviously knows emphatically who Minnie’s father is – but is worried for Minnie that things won’t turn out the way she hopes. 

All the Littles arrive, plus Pastor Calvin and his wife from ReBoot Camp, along with other other friends and family. And, in walks a surprise guest: Pastor Troy Miss Juicy Baby! Juicy is not here to make ill-will, however. She says hello to Monie, then cuts through the awkwardness by apologizing for saying anything offensive that instigated their fight. It was a backhanded apology done with the intent of getting Monie to apologize, but it worked! It seemed like Monie was planning to apologize anyway. It was nice to see these two work through it incident-less. Clearly they haven’t been on reality TV long enough!

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Then, with everyone gathered, Minnie opens the envelop and is relieved to learn it is 99.99% positive that her father is biologically her father. Her mother is glad it’s finally confirmed. They call Minnie’s dad, but instead of him being happy or excited, he wants to see proof the paper is real and sounds disappointed! What a complete and awful jerk – he does not deserve Minnie!

A shocked and hurt Minnie bursts into tears. Her mother and Bri comfort her. Then, looking at all her friends and family surrounding her, Minnie realizes she has a lot of love in her life so it’s time to move forward. 

Minnie Ross

Next week is the reunion where Pastor Troy appears and Juicy challenges Minnie to take a pregnancy test. Oh goody! 


[Photo Credits: Lifetime]