Mike Shouhed’s Alleged Mistress Details Their Affair In Book ‘My Nights With The Shah: How Not To Date A Celebrity’

Mike Shouhed's mistress bares all!

Earlier this month Jessica Parido, Mike Shouhed‘s wife of 8 months, filed for divorce. The reason: Mike’s incessant cheating! After discovering scandalous texts and messages from other women, Jessica learned Mike had been cheating throughout their entire relationship!  About a year ago, Mike’s (alleged) former mistress, Emerald Wilson-Bey, came forward by writing a book, My Nights With The Shah: How Not To Date A Celebrity, which detailed her racy affair with the Shahs Of Sunset star!  We’ve “sat” on this for a while, waiting for the right time to share the details and allegations from the book.

Emerald, a high-end real estate agent specializing in ‘pocket listings’ and relocation services, initially met Mike when she was on a work trip in Beverly Hills. Emerald imagined their passionate connection would translate into both sex and success! Detailing their steamy nights in the upper echelons of Beverly Hills, Emerald envisioned them becoming a power couple – instead she quickly realized Mike wasn’t nearly as single as he pretended to be. Funny how reality television exposes people’s private lives… 

Below we share some of the highlights from Emerald’s salacious story, including Mike’s reaction to learning she was writing a book, how Bravo discovered her existence, and if Jessica knew! 


Emerald’s initial motivation for sharing her story was not to expose Mike, but wanting “the truth to be known” so she could protect herself. “It’s not just HIS story,” she explains. “It’s OUR story. And I can share it if I want.” She acknowledges the backlash that will come with revealing all!  (Not too much came since this book is a year old already!)

Emerald first met Mike in March of 2014. Their relationship spanned until July of that year, when the tabloids learned of the affair and Mike proposed to Jessica on a whim to protect himself and keep Bravo from airing the storyline about his cheating. HA.  

“When the Bravo producers first questioned him about me, I knew that was the end,” writes Emerald. “… I felt anger because I knew that had he been single, as he initially claimed, there would have been nothing for production to discover.” When Emerald first told Mike about her decision to write the book, his only concern was whether or not she would use his “whole name.” Then his response was “Whatever.” DEEEP.

According to Emerald her first interaction with Mike was via Facebook Messenger, when one drunk night she decided to message him after seeing that a ‘Friend’ had liked his page. “I knew who he was, a realtor. I remember I just assumed his show was about real estate; I never knew about his girlfriend…I never knew anything about the show’s content at all. I inboxed him and I said, ‘You are so fine.'” Mike responded immediately with “You are too.” The rest, is, as they say: history!

For someone who had never watched Shahs Of Sunset, and knew nothing about Mike, Emerald drops an awful lot of Bravolebrity references in her book – including dining at Lisa Vanderpump‘s restaurants and meeting Lisa and Ken

According to Emerald, she and Mike started chatting he immediately invited himself to her hotel for a booty call. “I remember pacing in disbelief, pondering whether or not to let Mike Shouhed’s… Persian… sexy self come over.” Emerald believes he was “seizing the moment” for a fling when he realized she was from out of town. It took her “seven minutes” to give into Mike’s invitation. 

On their first encounter Mike advised Emerald to, “Be naked, except for some sexy shoes.” She was nervous, but he was reassuring, the chemistry was immediate and they got physical right away. I’ll spare you the details of their sexytimes. There are… a lot. If you want a tidbit, she compares his manhood to a “unicorn.” 

Alas, lack of condoms prevented them from going all the way that first night, so they ended up talking fooling around and talking. 

Before he left, Mike, always the dirty dog, had another request: “Can we delete those messages real quick?” he asked Emerald. She allowed him to delete them himself. The very next day he called her (from a Private number) for a second try – and this time was more prepared to go all the way! 

Mike and Emerald began texting and communicating regularly. For Emerald it was more than just a physical connection. “The way he was with me was like someone I had known for years. Even our conversation. Even our sex. If he was faking it, he was damn good.” 

According to text messages between Emerald and Mike, which she shares, it seems pretty clear he wasn’t thinking ‘relationship!’ In one message chain he informs Emerald that he can’t “parade around LA” with her and offers to bring food to her hotel room instead of getting breakfast. He rebuffed her initations to go out to bars, restaurants, clubs – wherever – and instead only wants to meet in the afternoon or late night in her hotel. Emerald started pressing him to “plan ahead” for getting together, but he was flippant and dismissive. 

After his repeated flakiness and Emerald was left feeling suspicious. “I had this nagging feeling that he was sneaking around. I didn’t like that he didn’t want to go anywhere ever so that’s when I withdrew.” 

This is odd to me – Emerald is in contact with him through FACEBOOK MESSENGER – she never looked at the dude’s page and saw Mike posing with his girlfriend Jessica?! Furthermore it took him months to trust Emerald with his phone number – which he insisted was proof their relationship was serious – but told her she had to text him first, and never call. HA! 

After she withdrew, Mike took her to lunch a few times, but they ate in his car. Then it was Mike’s turn to get suspicious. “Our conversations began to feel like interrogations… like a private detective,” says Emerald. “All of the sudden he wanted to know if I had told anyone. He was extra paranoid.” Despite Emerald’s continued reassurance, Mike still didn’t trust her – so she spitefully started screenshotting their conversations for posterity. After another hookup (once she knew he had a girlfriend) Emerald “took photos of Mike’s clothes and shoes while he was in the shower.” She justifies her actions as deserved after Mike’s “betrayal of trust” – to her, not Jessica.  

According to Emerald she first learned Mike had a girlfriend – and was a known cheater – from a friend of hers, who also happened to be a Shahs fan. Her friends instantly threatened to tell Radar Online about his infidelity with Emerald! (And several of them emailed us with accusations.) Instead Emerald decided to confront Mike directly after Google confirmed he was dating Jessica.


Emerald claims that Mike denied his relationship to Jessica was real, but instead was “for the show.” He reassured Emerald that he was dating her, but still insisted they couldn’t go public because his storyline was inextricably linked to his relationship to Jessica. Mike claimed that although he liked Emerald, there was nothing he could do. 

Emerald was also warned to contact Mike via text or messenger – not call – and if he could talk, he would call her back. He blamed filming. 

After she confronted him, Emerald noticed Mike grew even more distant and paranoid. “Something had changed for him, and for us,” noted Emerald about all of Mike’s new ‘rules’ of engagement. Her friends continued to warn her that he was “obviously a sleazebag” and she should bail.  

Finally Mike admitted to having a girlfriend but insisted his relationship to Jessica wasn’t “doing too well.” Emerald believed his tale of having to keep up the appearance of being with Jessica for the sake of Shahs and appeasing Bravo. She recalls being, “more than disappointed because I had genuinely began to picture us as a couple; the potential of it anyway.” 

… “I won’t lie l I made the decision to keep seeing him. I liked being with him, I liked the sex with him, I liked the idea of knowing Mike Shouhed,” admits Emerald. She was also impressed that he allegedly told her the truth about his relationship with Jessica. “I did hate that he was in a relationship because I knew it was something that I also had to respect.” 

There was another snafu – Emerald says she had been planning a move from Maryland to California before meeting Mike. He dissuaded her from moving to Beverly Hills, and instead pushed for Orange County. Far enough out of the way of his home turf! 

When Mike Discovered The Tabloids Knew Of His Affair:

… After Mike was questioned by the tabloids about his relationship with Emerald, he threatened her to keep quiet or else! “You’re moving here, I would hate to have a problem with you and your son,” Mike reportedly warned. “You know that tattoo you have on your back? Yea… (Referring to my lower back tattoo of a revolver).” When Emerald pressed him to clarify what he meant, he responded with “I’m just saying.” He later smirked that he’d stab her instead because a “gun is too easy”! 

Emerald blames her friends for leaking the affair to the tabloids.

“I was floored,” writes Emerald. “Here he was threatening me indirectly.” Mike’s subtle threats included reminding Emerald that he knew her address and posting thinly veiled messages to instagram about how he reacts when people “cross” him. 

“Look, you don’t f–king play with me, I’m evil as shit for real,” Mike reportedly told Emerald another time. When tabloids continued to plague her with calls about their relationship, she refused to speak to comment. As a result of Mike’s “paranoia” about their affair getting out, Emerald was afraid to relocate to Orange County and instead moved to Florida. 

In response to Mike’s threatening behavior, Emerald decided to skip the tabloids and write a book in her own words in an attempt to lessen Mike’s control over her. “If the truth is out, not only does it lift a huge weight off my mind, but also, Mike could not do anything to me, the whole world would know.”  (or at least the twelve fans who really even care about Mike’s shenanigans.)

Despite Mike’s aggressive reactions, she still wanted to be with him! “I had hoped he would see it wasn’t me who’d let it out and we could discuss damage control together. As a team,” Emerald recalls. “It was hard to just be done with him. I still wanted to try.” 

Mike started using his business venture Nerium to cover his relationship with Emerald by trying to pass her off as a client. He even attempted to stage being caught by the paparazzi delivering some Nerium to her hotel! That’s when Emerald told Mike she was done with their relationship!

Bravo Finds Out & Mike Does The Unthinkable: 

According to Emerald after the tabloids got wind of the affair, Bravo producers did too. They started pestering Mike about what was going on. In response he became even more aggressive and hostile towards Emerald. “My f–king producers are asking me about you, do you f–king get that? I have a f–king show on TV, I have a girlfriend on TV, this doesn’t look good.” 

A few days later, in order to get the scent off his tail, Mike proposed to Jessica in front of Bravo cameras. 

Mike is very smart and very good at the game. Once he got his back pushed against the wall by producers asking him about us, and the threat of it coming full circle by the press, the man who had been in zero hurry to get married on the show …. proposed while I was in town.” Mike was supposed to spend the weekend with Emerald, but bailed claiming he had to deal with some last-minute business. He “actually left to go on a skydiving rushed-proposal trip.” 

Mike still visited Emerald for “dessert” before he whisked Jessica away for their romantic weekend. “He could not risk me being in town and the threat of us being linked to each other romantically again,” Emerald believes. When he returned on Monday, he visited Emerald again. She hadn’t learned of Mike’s engagement yet. It was their last hookup. 

Emerald’s only regret is telling her friends about Mike. “Because part of me will always wonder what could have been.” Uhhh… I might regret being complicit in a lie. Or being made to look like a hoochie. Or perhaps GETTING MY LIFE THREATENED! 

“THERE IS NO ONE YOU CAN TRUST WHEN A CELEBRITY IS INVOLVED,” she states. Emerald never comments on Jessica – not even to mention her name (Jessica is always referred to as Mike’s girlfriend). There is no commentary concerning if Jessica knew, and if so, what? Of course, now Jessica is well aware – perhaps she purchased My Nights With The Shah on Amazon?

Some other tidbits: 

Mike’s sexual proclivities – he “likes to be licked… everywhere.” 

… He mailed Emerald some Diamond Water while she was recovering from a tummy tuck! 

Emerald and Mike were in communication until her book was published last year. But never any further sexual encounters. 

If you download the book via Kindle, Emerald has text messages and Facebook messages from Mike, or “Mikey” as he is sometimes called, later “Mike From Shahs Of Sunset.” They are all date and time stamped.


Emerald’s book My Nights With The Shah: How Not To Date A Celebrity is available on Amazon via Kindle or print edition. 


My note: the most surprising thing that struck me through reading Emerald’s book is that she did not change any names – the high end professionals she names, actually are high end professionals. I haven’t seen or read any comments from them on the nature of her relationship to them, or the book. 

[Main Photo Credit: FayesVision/WENN.com]