Kim Zolciak Posts Thigh Gap Photos; Insists She’s Not Bragging!

Kim Zolciak Brags About Thigh Gap

Kim Zolciak is up to her old photoshopping selfie antics. I’m about to start confusing her with another Kim notorious for her edited selfies… 

The mother of six took to instagram to brag about her thigh gap, under the guise of showing off her shoes. Kim has to keep it right and tight and hot and sexy for Kroy! 

Above Kim shared, “My feisty followers want me to take my pics closer up so you guys can see the detail!! How’s this 😉 and listen I turn my feet in so you can see my damn shoe not to have a thigh gap cause I have that anyway!! #DownAtEmory #NotPregnantSoDontTryIt shoes:Jimmy Choo shirt:Dont Know jeans: citizen of humanity”


The Don’t Be Tardy star has been denying plastic surgery accusations left and right, but is no stranger to tummy tucks, lipo or pizza-eating lasers. Did Kim get some sort of new thigh-shrinking procedure done? Kim claims she’s been toning up the old-fashioned way with diet and exercise (and waist training). Apparently it’s paying off in the upper-thigh department. 

Kim Zolciak Thigh Gap

Recently Kim posted three photos suddenly featuring her thigh gap – one that curiously hasn’t existed until recently! Kim is suddenly all too excited to draw attention to said thigh gap – she might as well of put a big red arrow on the photo labeled, THIGH GAP HERE! Is she channeling Lilly Ghalichi now?  

Kim’s took a lot of heat from fans for her ‘humblebrag’ thigh gap pose. Most of the reactions called her out for being ridiculous and attention-seeking. Is there any other way? But also for setting a poor example for her daughters

Thigh gap, szchmi-gap! Kim is just wearing ultra-stretchy too tight jeans that suck it in. Girl is gonna give herself a blood clot with all that restricting. YummieTummie to the rescue, please. ‘Are you there Heather Thomson? It’s me Kim… I lost circulation in my butt cheeks because my pants are too tight for me to move.’

Anyway, below are more photos of Kim covert-bragging about her thigh gap under the guise of showing off her outfits. Doesn’t she have six kids to take care of? #RhetoricalQuestion #ThatsWhatNanniesAreFour 

Kim Zolciak Too Tight JeansCase in point that Kim is wearing mega-tight pants – here they are from the front. 

kim-zolciak-too-tight-jeansAnd here they are from the side – demonstrating that they’re sooooo tight she can barely stand up straight. She’s basically waist-training her thighs. 


[All Photo Credits: Instagram]