Asifa Mirza Slams Shahs Of Sunset Co-Star Mercedes “MJ” Javid

Shahs of Sunset reunion Asifa Mirza

I do everything in my power to ignore Shahs of Sunset newbie Asifa Mirzathe girl is insufferable – but her reunion blog, which was devoted to Mercedes “MJ” Javid bashing, caught my attention. What can I say? MJ deserves it!

About her first reunion, Asifa said, “I was feeling very anxious and a little jittery. So much happened all season long and there was a tremendous amount of pent up anger on so many different ends. It was like a volcano waiting to erupt. I can confidently say it was an intense feeling for all, kind of like being on the Titanic right after hitting the iceberg. Who would feel comfortable walking onto a sinking boat?” Eh, I’d feel comfortable as long as MJ‘s boobs were on board.


Asifa claimed she was warned about MJ, who, as Asa Soltan Rahmati pointed out, is mean to pretty girls.

“All season long I gave her the benefit of the doubt,” she said, “notwithstanding the fact that I was warned by many (including close friends of hers) of her dubious, equivocal, deceitful, and dishonest ways. MJ is able to strategically manipulate others into believing she is an honest, altruistic person with your best interest at heart. I was most certainly fooled. She is the master of saying sweet nothings to your face and then bashing you behind you back, most times for unwarranted reasons.”

Asifa admitted she should not have subjected her co-stars to her relationship drama with Bobby. Then, because she can never be in the wrong, she added that MJ contributed to her relationship problems. Sure, MJ brings a forest worth of shade to her relationship with anyone but her true love, Reza Farahan, but… Deflection, thy name is Asifa.

“I completely understand why others were upset with me during my relationship quarrels. I should not have put my friends through that,” she recognized. “With that said, MJ was the only joker playing both sides, feeding into our issues by playing both me and Bobby. She is the first person to say we are toxic and also the first and only person willingly feeding me and Bobby her unwelcomed and damaging advice. Her negative comments contributed to us being in the wrong mindset.”

Asifa surmised that MJ tried to sabotage her relationship because hers always end badly. “I think due to her deep rooted issues she enjoys damaging others and their relationships. She herself has many problems when it comes to men and her romantic relationships (they seem to always fail),” noted Asifa. “I would only be interested in helping her – rather than hurting her. I would never run to her boyfriends and intentionally destroy her relationships.”

“There were multiple instances where I tried to see the good in her – when she would feed me sweet compliments to my face and we had what I thought were deep conversations – and then I would be told by Golnesa and Asa that MJ berates me behind my back. Boy was I fooled,” bemoaned Asifa. “Amongst all this darkness I believe all humans including MJ have some light in their souls. Maybe one day she will discover it and be a happier person and release herself from her internal prison.”

I don’t disagree with the notion that MJ is damaged – but maybe one day Asifa will be able to admit HER own faults and realize that HER relationship problems start and end with HER intolerable personality.


Photo Credit: Bravo