Blood, Sweat, and Heels Recap: For Love or Family

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On last night’s Blood, Sweat, and Heels, we start at Mica Hughes’ apartment, where she’s on the phone with Daisy Lewellyn to tell her about her peace-treaty lunch later that day with Demetria Lucas in Brooklyn. Daisy knows that Mica’s sensitive about Demetria’s accusations about Mica being an alcoholic, but Mica hopes for the best. She’s going into the meeting with an open heart, but knows that Demetria can be a hard nut to crack. At Arzo Anwar’s showroom, Melyssa Ford visits to look through the matchy-matchy oversized fashions on display. The two of them have bonded over their failed relationships in the past, so Arzo asks her to visit her family in CA with her to tell Arzo’s family about her current squeeze, YestirDay. Arzo’s parents would prefer her to marry an Afghani, a Muslim, or at least probably someone not named YestirDay. Melyssa thinks it’s time to tell Arzo’s parents the truth no matter what their reaction may be.

Chantelle Fraser visits Daisy, who’s in bed feeling the effects of radiation and chemo pills. Chantelle and Arzo are the only girls who have reached out to Daisy since the entire group found out about her cancer. Demetria and Geneva Thomas have been on radio silence since the “big reveal” last week, apparently. Well, maybe Geneva can’t catch a cab to visit Daisy. But what’s Demetria’s excuse? Chantelle interviews that she’s afraid for Daisy and she wants to be a support system for her. The two discuss last episode’s brunch, during which Arzo and Chantelle got into it over the “Afghan Hound” comment. Chantelle’s ready to get over it. In the mean time, she does Daisy a solid by helping her clean up her closet!


At the Mica/Demetria lunch, both women are cordial, if a bit awkward at first. Mica interviews that she needs Demetria to acknowledge how she made her feel during the (yes, drunken) day Mica’s father passed away and the sh*t hit the fan. Mica asks Demetria, what made you not like me? Demetria tells her she’s destructive and loud, and there was too much liquor involved. She does admit that she doesn’t want Mica to change into a different version of herself and doesn’t want to avoid speaking to her when they’re in the same room. Mica interviews that “Demetria is a new woman.” The ice melts a bit as they start some girl talk about how Demetria and Greg met. Demetria says this is a new Mica. It’s what Oprah would call an “A-ha” moment, she says. Live your best life, ladies! #oprahrulestheworld

Geneva meets her “team” for lunch to work on a start up project called “Geneva Style Daily” to highlight her “journalism skills.” <side eye> She wants to start a website for fashion, beauty, and vibrator advice for the weary. Armed with poster paper and a sharpie, Geneva attempts to outline her vision for the group by explaining how she wants everyone at the table to do the art direction and write the content, which leaves her to…do nothing? She sees the site as the next Huffington Post for black women. She wants to be the editor that launches a thousand writers! She says she needs to hustle to pay her rent, or she’ll be heading home to Detroit. All I can say is: get a thesaurus, get a dictionary, get a grammar app on your phone, girl. Then hire an editor. #strunkandwhiteisyourfriend  In a less delusional world nearby, Demetria is previewing the concept of her wedding dress, and she’s thrilled with the results! It’s not too over the top, but does have enough ruffles and fun to do the job.    

Mica’s at home chillin’ with her chinchilla, Barack Obama, when her mother calls to give her the bad news that Mica’s grandmother isn’t in the best health. Mica has always been close to her grandmother, who’s now 91 and needs a valve replacement but is too old to be a candidate for the surgery. Mica interviews that she wants to spend as much time with her as she can before she goes, so she needs to head home for a visit soon. Meanwhile, Arzo is packing for her dreaded trip home to the ‘rents. YestirDay is a bit put off that Melyssa is meeting Arzo’s parents before he does, but understands that his live-in girlfriend is a sugarmomma scared daughter who needs support right now. He mentions marriage to Arzo, and she just sort of brushes him off. She interviews that he’s got to get his career going before she considers anything more than shackin’ with him. 

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Geneva is sitting on her couch in an unfortunate shirt meant for a smaller person, talking on the phone about developing her site which will carry start-up costs of at least $15-20K. Chantelle comes over to chat about Geneva’s new venture, which she’s now retitled Jawbreaker. She wants to give sex advice, which her family talks about at Christmas dinner. Geneva interviews that women know nothing about their own bodies these days. For instance – are you ready for this? – she says, “We don’t even know where are clitoris ARE.” Geneva of the multiple clitorises (clitori?) then goes to to wax poetic about the healthy, open conversations she wants to drive within the black female community. Chantelle mouths some encouraging words, but looks like she wants to bust out laughing listening to this hot mess.

Melyssa and Arzo are in CA on their way to Arzo’s parents’ home. Arzo interviews that as refugees, her parents have raised her with a heavy mix of tradition and fear. Arzo’s mom got married at 16, but that’s not in the cards for her. Back in NY, Mica visits her aunt’s house to see her grandmother and, in Mica fashion, sings and dances a Mica dance as soon as she sees her. Mica walks down memory lane talking about taking her granny to the clubs back in the day. Mica says her grandmother sees in Mica what she could have been; she feels like she’s living out her grandmother’s dreams. Tomorrow, Mica wants to to take her out and about. But granny’s ready now! “Put some music on!” she says and the whole gang gets their Uptown Funk on, granny’s walker and all! Which is just one cool damn moment in my book. Love it! Back at Arzo’s parents’ place, we meet her “stoic” father and mother. Arzo’s father, we’re told, was a general in Afghanistan and a descendant of the prophet Muhammad (what the what!?). He grills Melyssa about not visiting her family back in Canada enough. Then he moves on to ragging on Arzo for being smart, but not turning out in the way he would have liked. Arzo tries to validate her career, but her dad’s not hearing it. Her mom says Arzo’s a fighter, but not in a good way. 

In full throttle wedding planning mode, Demetria checks out the space in which her reception will be held. She’s actually getting a little giggly and light about this whole thing! Go, Demetria! She says she blames the wedding planner for finally catching “wedding fever.” She reveals she’s inviting Melyssa and Geneva to the wedding, but none of the other ladies. After that shade is thrown, we travel back to CA to revisit the family reunion taking place at Arzo’s family home. The food looks incredible, but the talk quickly turns south (thanks to Melyssa) about how Arzo first broke the news to her parents about moving to NY. Arzo’s parents think she might be married if she’d just stayed in San Francisco. Arzo’s mom breaks down in tears after she says, “She loves New York, not us.” Which just seems like the most manipulative guilt trip mom statement of the year, does it not? Damn, momma! Arzo, understandably, does NOT take this moment to tell her parents about her broke-down boyfriend back home creating camera phone tracks on Youtube. In a less tense moment with Mica’s family back East, the family matriarchs (including granny!) are out to lunch talking about granny’s health, because the poor dear is taking a short nap at the table. Mica can’t imagine life without her grandmother because she’s been her rock, her confidante, and the most positive person in her life. After lunch, Mica takes granny for a spin in her wheelchair down to the lake. Mica interviews that she beats herself up about not spending as much time as she should have with her grandmother through the years, but she wants to get as much time together now as they’ve got left.

Next episode previews Daisy breaking down in tears over her cancer treatments and general fatigue with fighting this battle. And Chantelle (I think?) gets unceremoniously chucked out of Demetria’s book launch! Yikes.   


 Photo Credit: Bravo TV