Atlanta Exes Recap – Tiff At The ‘Tea’ Market


This week on Atlanta Exes, Monyetta Shaw and Christina Johnson decide that it is time to move on from their exes. Sheree Buchanan has had enough of Tameka Raymond and her jabs. There is a big blow-up at the Tea Market.  

We start off with Sheree and Tameka at her house. Sheree is being very nice considering how Tameka has been treating her. Sheree brings up the jabs that Tameka has been throwing, and Tameka’s explanation for all of the jabs is that she says things before thinking because her brain moves so rapidly. Huh, say what. Okay, Bitter Einstein. So, let me get this straight. Tameka is basically saying, ‘I am correct in thinking those mean things about you. I probably shouldn’t say them, but you can’t fault me for that either because I only say them because my brain moves so much faster than everyone else’s, including yours.’ I think I got it, or maybe my brain doesn’t move that fast. *eye roll* Sheree offers to fix her up on a date. Tameka agrees as long as the guy’s pants aren’t sagging. Was that another jab? I’m trying to train my brain to keep up.

Monyetta has decided to take Ne-Yo’s mom’s advice and move on. She believes that if she continues to wear the ring, she will not be able to get over him. I think that the ring is not the issue. You may want to move out of the house that you share with, but that’s just me. Monyetta and Christina visit Palas Jewelers in an attempt to change the ring into something that she can wear that will not be reminiscent of an engagement ring. The jeweler recounts a story about how proud Ne-Yo was when he bought the ring, and how happy he was to purchase it. The story is heart-warming and one that Monyetta had not heard before. She is reduced to tears.   She decides to keep the ring as-is, but to no longer wear it. She wants to put the ring in a safe to possibly pass on to her children.

All of the women, plus Sheree’s 21 year old daughter, Destinee, are out clubbing. Tameka has a problem with Destinee being there, she also has a problem with Christina’s lip applique. She says that it looks like ‘skittles pox’, which would be funny if she wasn’t such a sour puss. OK, it still is funny. For her part, Christina says that the guys love those things. The guys who Sheree bring for the women are a bust. One is 23. One has a two month old baby; and according to Torrei Hart, one guy is too short and so is his money.


Tameka is hosting a Flea Market or a ‘Tea’ Market and the proceeds will benefit Kile’s World a charity that she founded after her son’s death. Tameka and Torrei are meeting with Tameka’s manager, Trina Scott. Torrei is worried that there have been no promotions. Tameka has not visited the place for the event, marketed the event or updated the webpage for the event. This is sad. The idea is great, but she may want to consider hiring an event planner next time.

Sheree is visiting Christina’s apartment to help her get ready for a blind date that Sheree has picked for her. Christina says that Sheree may suck at match-making, but she needs to begin dating again. I’m afraid for her, given Sheree’s history of match-making; but then I remember that she was married to CeeLo Green. She can only go up from there, literally, he is quite short. In her closet, we see some more of CeeLo’s fashion picks, and she says that she feels guilty wearing the stuff he picks for her out on a date; but didn’t you just, on the last episode, have him picking stuff for you to go on a date; or were you just attention seeking like I thought? Sheree says that she will “knock boots” in the necklace that Ray gave her. Sheree tells Christina that she does not need CeeLo’s approval to date, and asks her if CeeLo asked her permission to date the women that he is currently dating. Christina replies, “No.” Then, she sits with her mouth hanging open, as if she is just now realizing that she does not need to get permission to go on a date from a man who she divorced eight years ago. I really like Christina, but I don’t think her brain moves fast like Tameka’s.


Christina goes out on a date and she looks cute (in her Erica Dixon, Class Six type dress). Surprisingly enough, her date, Willie, is handsome and looks age appropriate. She grills the man. An FBI interrogation would have been less intense. One question, “Do you like JUST women,” stood out. Though he likes Just women, they both agree that this is a must ask question in Atlanta. Welcome to dating in Atlanta. The date goes well, until we find out that he is not divorced. She says that usually that is a deal breaker, but she likes Willie. Willie asks her out on another date. She agrees to go on another date, but has to check her schedule. Apparently, she works a lot. Where? I have only seen parting and shopping.

All of the women meet for lunch. I forgot lunch. The women on Atlanta Exes seem to party, shop and lunch a lot; but we have not seen anyone working. Tameka is/was a stylist, and Torrei talks about starting her career as a comedienne; and I am unsure what the other ladies do. We have yet to see anyone at work. I realize that it is still early, but I hope they show more of that side of them as the season moves forward. Conversation quickly moves to Christina’s date. Tameka is still throwing shade at Sheree as she wonders if Christina’s date was a kid. Everyone one thinks that Tameka is a downer, and I would have to agree. Torrei and Tameka are upset that she would accept a second date from a man that is still married, even if he has been separated for a year. The women then move on to talk about Monyetta. Tameka says that the house is shrine-esque with the pictures of Ne-Yo all over the house including in the bedroom. My question: How do you remove pictures of a person in the house that they own, and still live in? Is the celebrity world some form of twilight zone? The women seem to be missing the main point. She needs to move out of his house and get her own place. You would think that Tameka with her fast brain could figure this one out. Even I figured that out.    


Sheree and Torrei meet at Torrei’s apartment for dinner. Torrei feels that all of the ladies are giving Tameka a pass and wonders if this is how Tameka usually acts. Sheree says that she has seen the Tameka that is a good person. Torrei asks, “Now where have you seen this Tameka?” That was funny, a lot better than the Steve Harvey comment form the last episode. Torrei believes that the good Tameka does not exist. She is not going to tolerate disrespect and advises Sheree not to tolerate it either.

Sheree, Torrei, Christina, and Monyetta meet before the Tea Market. Sheree has decided that she will not be going to the Tea market. Her best friend Monica has told her that Tameka has been “bad mouthing” her parenting skills. Torrei says that she would call Tameka out on her B.S. I see storm clouds on the horizon.


The women arrive at the event for Kile’s World. Torrei has invited her friend, Traci, radio personality and former member of the cast of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta. Is Baby Drew coming to donate that money that Traci gave him? That would be a NOOO! #Broke.   Torrei complains about the location and that the event is empty. Before long, Torrei and Tameka begin to argue. Torrei complains about the lack of a warm reception. Tameka says that she is not a receptionist. Lol. Traci asks Tameka, “Why do you not like her?” The argument escalates and the women complain about each other’s fashion. Tameka says that Torrei is wearing a Clueless sweater and old ass boots. To which, Torrei responds that it is vintage. Side comment– maybe she does struggle more financially than the other women because her settlement with Kevin Hart was less than 200k probably less than his fiancé’s ring. She further states that Tameka should know about old stuff because she is still wearing Chanel from when she was with Usher. She calls Tameka a ‘label whore.’ Tameka asks Traci to take her friend away. People begin to try to herd Torrei and Traci out of the store. Tameka complains that the whole argument is “ni**afied” and that she doesn’t “get down like that.” Almost at the door of the event in an attempt to prolong her reality TV appearance Traci begins to clown and come after Tameka. Tameka sips her champagne, laughs and calmly says, “Her and her big ass nose, what she gone do?” *Dead* Tameka is definitely not revamping her image. She still seems like a horrible person, but I am afraid to say that I love her shade throwing abilities.


Next episode: Torrei and Tameka both tell their sides of the argument at the ‘Tea’ Market. We learn that Monyetta can’t have any more children. Tameka continues her disagreements with both Sheree and Tameka.


Recap Author: Tiffany L.

Photo Credit: VH1