Mob Wives Recap: What Happens In Vegas…

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It was a very crazy Christmas for the ladies of Mob Wives. While I realize they filmed long ago, it's fun to bring their antics into present day. Santa probably didn't leave what he planned for Renee Graziano thanks to her behavior last night. Come to think of it, most of the girls deserved big lumps of coal!

After Natalie Guercio called out Renee's VH1 hire-a-date delicious, all hell broke loose, giving us a story line for last night's episode. We begin with Renee and son AJ dining with his new (?) girlfriend and Michael, Renee's latest love interest. Michael is late. Renee forgives his indiscretions and orders several bottles of wine. Xanax is her issue, so wine is fine. Is that how recovery works?

Michael tries to impress Renee's son with his rapper connections, but AJ isn't biting. When Michael reveals that he has somewhere else to be after this dinner, things go down hill. Renee blames Natalie for introducing Michael to her craziness with Natalie's "delicious smelling" comment. AJ tries to be the voice of reason, but we know it's all for naught. Michael exits (did they even have apps?), and Renee questions the relationship.


Across town, Natalie is having date night with her boyfriend London. Is it me, or does London look a lot like Michael? Perhaps Natalie was confused. She rehashes the delicious comment with her beau, and he warns her about Renee's "world." Slurring ensues, and London is just happy to have screen time.  Natalie is all about being the face of Mob Candy…after all, she's Renee circa 1980. And she's very tan. She's over apologizing to Renee.

Big Ang is meeting Alicia DiMichele Garafalo and Drita D'avanzo at the country club to watch the golfers. Renee arrives and all of the women bitch about the men in their lives. Alicia suggests a girls' weekend, but she needs to figure out a destination so she can get permission from her parole officer. Vegas it is! When Alicia mentions Natalie, Renee rises from her seat, yelling about respect. Forget her crazy pills, these women just need to get used to walking on egg shells.

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Drita doesn't mind if Alicia invites Natalie to Vegas, but Renee keeps ranting. She's in tears talking about Michael won't return her calls anymore. Shocking. The ladies are really looking forward to their girls' weekend. Everyone is uncomfortable while Renee talks about burials and cacti and leaving bodies in the desert. Ang looks appalled while huffing on her clove cigarette. Can you blame her?

At the hardware store, Drita is trying to figure out what she needs to aid in her house renovation. Lee isn't helping with the scenario, and he questions her trip to Vegas. Drita is starting to worry about their new situation, and Lee hangs up on her after bitching about playing Mr. Mom while she's gone.

Alicia is excited that her boutique has been chosen to be featured in fashion week. She wants to have an identity outside of her husband's incarceration. Natalie arrives as Alicia is vetting models. Alicia invites her friend to Vegas while trying to explain to Natalie why Renee felt disrespected by the "delicious" comment. Natalie isn't shocked to learn that Michael has been cold to Renee. Who wants to date a crazy person?

It's time to go to Las Vegas, and Ang arrives to pick up Renee for the trip. Renee is stressed about everything in her life and has a panic attack on her way to the airport. She pops a few Xanax to make things better. Um…is that okay? Meanwhile, Alicia and Natalie are leaving from Philly. Ang is worried about Renee's erratic behavior, but what can she do? Nothing, apparently. Renee takes full advantage of bottle service in flight. Ang can't get over the ladies' accommodations in Vegas, but she's appalled by her friend's need for liquor once they arrive. Ang is scared, and she needs Drita to arrive for back up. I'm scared as well.

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Poor Drita arrives in Vegas, clueless as to what awaits her. She's amazed by her suite, and Ang joins her in being totally smitten by their surroundings. Ang also shares her worries with Drita about Renee's two-day drinking binge. They question Vegas as being the best place to bring a recovering addict. Ya think? The ladies head to dinner and just miss Alicia and Natalie who show up to the suite.

The women are drinking, smoking, and gambling, and all seems right with the world. Drita and Ang are optimistic, but Ang is concerned about her friend's behavior. Renee ignores Natalie and heads to bed, which is good given the fact that Ang claims she hasn't slept in days. Meanwhile, Drita is gambling like she's on the international poker tour. Perhaps this show should highlight the multiple addiction issues these women face.  Drita heads to another table where she bets two thousand dollars. Silly Drita, the house always wins!

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The women head back to the suite drunk and laughing. Natalie is happy to longer be the lone drunk in this crew. On a rotating bed, the girls bond until they see Renee creepily skulking by their suite's pool.  It is extremely creepy. Ang and Drita go to check on Renee, and Drita is very concerned about her incoherent friend. Renee spies Natalie and things go south. Yikes.


[Photo Credit: VH1]