Lamar Odom Getting His Life Together? Khloe Kardashian Inspired A Pop Song? Trailer For The Hungover Games!


Is Lamar Odom finally taking responsibility for his bad behavior in an attempt to get his life back on track? Will Khloe Kardashian Odom still be around if and when he does…or will she be too busy inspiring the young lads of One Direction 2.0? It's a lot to take in, I know!

Starting with Lamar, he's changed his plea from "not guilty" to "no contest" in his recent DUI offense. Radar Online is reporting that Lamar will have his license suspended automatically for a year for refusing further chemical testing after his arrest. A source tells the site, “Odom pled no contest to first offense DUI, and the refusal to take further testing after he was arrested was dismissed."

A spokesperson for the California Highway Patrol shares, “He did what no one should ever do, he refused the chemical tests. That means that his license is revoked and Lamar could get the most powerful attorney in the world and he is still not going to have a license for a year.”


Lamar is reportedly hoping to salvage his career by submitting to random drug tests to remain on the L.A. Clippers team. A source reveals, “Lamar agreed to undergo random drug testing administered by the team, and if he returns one dirty test, he will be suspended from the team immediately.”  

As for the DUI? An insider states that "[Lamar] will be on probation for three years and he has to take a three-month alcohol education class.”

While many outlets are reporting that Khloe plans to stand by her man, Lamar may have some competition in the form of X Factor stars Emblem3. The band's new single is called “Chloe (You're the One I Want)”​ and it's apparently about the former X Factor host and reality star. According to Life & Style, the trio claims that seeing Khloe interact with her sisters at a family party made them realize that she could easily be considered a dream girl.

The song features the lyric, “Chloe, I know your sister turns everyone on / But you’re the one I want." The band explains that the song is about “A girl, Chloe, who isn’t the most popular girl in school, but her inner beauty runs circles around her outer beauty,” continuing, “She’s super real, super cool, and you would rather hang out with her than with the girl everyone thinks is hot because you can be yourself around her.”

The lead singer admits, “It was the day before we recorded the song. I sang [Khloe's] name in that spot, but we already had the whole song written and we needed a name. I sang her name and we kept it.”

His band mate adds, “It works really well. [The people from our record company] thought the whole sister thing was genius.” You know what I think is genius? These boy banders knowing they are sure to get press if the add the Kardashian aspect to their song…even with the different spelling. Well played, Emblem3! Now if only Harry Styles would quit dating Kendall, you may have a chance at pop super stardom!  Who am I kidding? I am the oldest 1D fan on the planet. Seriously.

Just because it's Wednesday, and we need all the help we can get to make past hump day, enjoy the below clip from The Hunger Games parody starring Bruce Jenner and some ladies from RHOBH. I present to you The Hungover Games…may the odds be ever in your favor!



[Photo Credit: Twitter]