NeNe And Gregg Leakes Dish On Their Wedding Party


As we gear up for NeNe Leakes' second wedding to Gregg on I Dream of NeNe, the couple has a lot of issues to resolve before they walk back down the aisle.  Between prenups and drama with Gregg's grown children, the couple certainly have some work to do with Dr. Jeff.  Thankfully, NeNe and Gregg have a strong support group in their wedding party…or do they?

Both the Neenster and Gregg discuss their friends in their respective Bravo blogs, and Gregg expresses his appreciation to his "basement ballers" for standing by him as he works to get his family back together.  NeNe writes, "My lunch date with some of my Atlanta Bridesmaids: This was supposed to be a Sex in the City lunch with my girls to celebrate my getting married again. Diana Gowins is a longtime girlfriend of mine with whom I've shared a lot. We have been really close over the years. I love her like a sister! We like to call her the protective one, the security, the gate keeper, and Miss Territorial because Diana always questions when someone new is around. She has an uncomfortable attitude when new people are introduced into our circle."


NeNe continues, "I wanted to tell all the girls who I had chosen to be in my wedding just because, but they certainly had no right to tell me who can or cannot be a part of my special day. Don't get me wrong, these are my friends and I do cherish their advice, but I’m a smart woman and I get it! Diana feels Marlo [Hampton] is around to ride off my coat-tails or to try and seek out opportunities that I might have. Is her point valid? It might be and it might not be, but one thing is for sure: I have two good eyes and I’m a good judge of character, so have no fear, Diana, I got this!"

Of course Gregg hopes that NeNe's maids retract their claws, but he's not holding his breath.  He blogs, "The bridesmaids are jockeying for position. Who will win the coveted spot next to her highness?  Only time will tell. Who knows, perhaps they will all find a way to just get along for the sake of our wedding.  Yeah right!"

Gregg adds, "Let's not forget my groomsmen.  The basement ballers. This is my crew. All handpicked for many reasons. I can't say anything but good things about my guys. No drama. Just pass the wings and another cold beer. I can and have depended on each one of them during different times in my life, especially when we were divorced. Thanks guys."

He also is grateful to Peter Thomas' friendship.  Gregg shares, "Excellent advice, Peter. You too have 5 kids and are married to a successful, beautiful woman. Yes, I do realize that I have to step it up, as I’m doing right now. But know this, I will not allow my wife, my children, or myself to ever be in a situation where any of us have to choose between one or the other. That option will be removed; that’s not a choice that’s available at all. I will guide this dreadful mess to a warm, beautiful family merger full of love and respect. I’ve got work to do and 'I’m on it dog gone it!'"

Oh, gracious.  How many more episodes until the wedding?


[Photo Credit: Bravo]