Jacqueline Laurita Was Curious If Johnny The Greek Had “An Aggressive Mental Disorder”; Addresses Twitter Haters

Jacqueline Laurita

Jacqueline Laurita ponders the mental health of Johnny the Greek and tells the Twitter haters off. 

As Real Housewives of New Jersey comes to an end this week, I'm a little sad that this is the last of Jacqueline's blogs.  Her reflections on the episodes have been the highlight of the season for me because she's so "whatever, you're all insane, I've had some wine and I'm gonna type this up quick so I can get back to Twitter, bitches" in them. 

This week Jacqueline explains that she did not remember ever meeting Penny Karagiorgis, "Kim D. told me I had actually been in Penny's presence a couple of times in the past in quick passing at her store and at one of her events, but for some reason, I couldn't remember her AT ALL. I certainly don't know the girl, and we have never been formally introduced. I am sure I would have remembered her if she had been rude to me in the past, so she must have been nice to my face. Even when Penny was pointed out to me at Moxie, she didn't look familiar at all to me. Maybe I was distracted by her hair, but I didn't recognize her face. Come to think of it, I have met lots of people, and nobody has actually been rude to my face upon meeting them. I guess most rude people just talk behind my back or hide behind their computers like cowards."


Jacqueline continues explaining why she wanted to confront Johnny, "I was told it was rumored that Johnny may be coming, contrary to what I had heard previously. I really wanted to confront him about what he had been saying on social media, to the press, and around town about my family, me as a mother, and about my son. Maybe because his wife "taught Autism" he thought he was an expert on the topic and could tell whether or not my son "graduated" that class with a diagnosis. He is the one constantly talking about all of us on social media and everywhere else, but WE are the ones trying to get attention? Ok. (Eye roll.)" 

Jacs continues, "My husband and I were disgusted and bewildered by the amount of hate that was obsessively coming from him. It was unbelievable to me that a grown man would put so much effort into trying to ruin another person's life that he didn't even know for no apparent reason. I was curious if Johnny had an aggressive mental disorder that could potentially be very dangerous. What sane person tweets horrible things about people he's never met all day long? Are his hot dogs not selling these days, because I can think of something entertaining for him to do with those left overs to fill up his…spare time?! Maybe after confronting Johnny, he would tell me a random juvenile delinquent had hacked into his social media and it wasn't really him. That would make much more sense. It certainly didn't sound like a grown man."

Jacqueline says she knows the real reason why Johnny deleted a ton of his Tweets, "I decided to get to the bottom of it and ask the both of them face to face. If it was them saying those awful things I saw and heard, they could at least have the guts to look me in the eyes and say it to my face instead of hiding behind a computer like cowards. This was their big chance to say, directly to me, what they have always wanted to say, or had been saying about me and my family. I was giving them their shot. I then wanted to know their reasoning for saying these horrible, ugly things. I was just trying to make sense of it all. It was interesting how he announced on Twitter after that night that his attorney advised him to delete all his tweets over the past few years. That is why he had deleted them? I know why." 

On being surprised how nice Penny was to her face, "I actually kind of liked her when she was being so nice to my face and when she said that she loves kids with Autism, although she kind of lost me a little when she said she "taught Autism." I'm still trying to figure that one out, but that is neither here nor there. So… Penny denied everything to my face as I looked her straight in her eyes, and she, of course, defended her husband. All I was hearing from her was that they didn't do it, someone made them do it, and they were following orders from someone who was feeding them ammunition. OK… contradicting… but she sounded somewhat convincing, but truth or lie, what more could I say to her if she wasn't going to admit anything to me? I wasn't about to get into a "Yes you did!"/"No I didn't!"  war with her. Either way, their actions were unacceptable. I had to move on from it. Ugh! I hate when people lie to my face and/or about me. Have some integrity.  I wanted to ask Johnny the same things I asked Penny. I couldn't believe the things he said and did. Guess you'll have to wait for the season finale."   Yeah, IF Bravo will show it! 


Jacqueline also went on to give her top 8 tips and questions for people who hate on her via social media.  I could not resist sharing them here. 

Now I will address "haters" in general for a minute. Haters on social media baffle me. Please answer these questions.

  1. Why follow someone on social media that you don't like? That is weird.  I don't like your negative energy, and that is why I am not following you and blocked you. I'm sorry that you feel rejected. Try being kind.
  2. If we have never met, how could I have hurt or offended you personally, and so deeply, that you feel compelled to not only reach out to me, but to fixate, insult, obsess, and harass me? It's as if you actually believe I murdered your puppy. I didn't.
  3. How is me living MY life, and the choices I make, effecting YOUR life so negatively? If it's hard to watch, and effecting you so emotionally, I advise you not to watch me anymore. Fast forward or don't follow me. Hate makes you ugly and is not healthy. Save yourself.
  4. Did you know there is a difference between constructive criticism and insulting someone? Google it! When you insult me, I block you.
  5. Did you know that repetitively spreading rumors consisting of accusations that are not proven to be true (FALSE accusations) and maliciously stating them as facts is slanderous, defamation of character, and harassment?
  6. Do you understand the difference between having an opinion of someone and seeking out a complete stranger to fixate, insult, slander, defame, harass, and obsess over them? It is abnormal, psychotic, and illegal.
  7. If your daily focus consists of finding ways to hate on me, aren't you losing focus on yourself and on important positive things and people that you should be focusing on in your own life? While the hate inside you has been growing and eating you alive, I've been doing my job working for Bravo, creating a beauty website I'm hoping to launch soon (AltruisticBeauty.com) and beauty products, raising autism awareness in various ways, writing books, and taking care of my family.
  8. Do you have a psychotic disorder that may or may not have been addressed? That would explain a lot, and I would handle you differently. Check on that.



Photo Credit: Bravo TV