Teen Mom Update: Amber Portwood Kicking Butt In School Behind Bars While Farrah Abraham Can’t Escape Fame…She Was Born For It!

Farrah Abraham Hosts The Sapphire Pool & Day Club

In today's Teen Mom news, two of the original cast continue to on their respective paths, and it's almost as if they've traded places.  Amber Portwood was the series' train wreck, and viewers watched her downward spiral that ended with an extended stay in the clink.  Now, however, Amber has worked hard to turn her life around for the sake of her daughter and herself.

On the other hand, her co-star Farrah Abraham is also a train wreck.  While she's not in jail, I'm sure she'd entertain the idea of starring in an adult movie focused on female inmates.  Of course, Farrah never disappoints, and she recently chatted about how she can't run from fame (it will find her!) and the caliber of her three (yes, three) veryveryveryvery successful suitors.  I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried!

Let's start with the positive, shall we?  Starcasm reports on a recent interview given by Amber where she talks about her progress while in prison and how hard she's working to get out of jail.


While her ex Gary Shirley has custody of Leah, Amber cherishes the time she gets with her daughter.  Of a recent visit, she shares, “Booboo sat on my lap the whole time we were playing games had a few snacks. She’s so beautiful. She has long blonde hair down to her butt now and she’s getting tall. I can’t wait to get out and spend time with her."

Amber seems to have turned her once catastrophic life around, and she's really excelled in school behind bars.  She reveals, “I did my TABE testing for my GED placement and I did really well. I scored in the advance book so I was very excited. So now I’m in GED classes on weekdays.  I got my scores back and I had college level scores in English. And I got a perfect 12.9 in social studies and science. I have 11 months of GED every Saturday here in CLIFF (Clean Lifestyle IS Freedom Forever) really paid off," adding, “I’m so excited and I’m really working hard studying so I can score high on the GED test. I’m working my a** off to get out of here!”

You go, Amber!  I'm happy to hear that she's really making an effort to change.  One of her former counterparts is doing the same.  Everyday Farrah changes into an even more annoying version of herself.  Slow claps to her, because I didn't even know that possible!  Geez, Louise does this girl grate on my last nerve!

Speaking to a Fox News (what?), a very wise and grown-up Farrah talks about how very wise and grown-up she is.  Seriously.  I'd normally paraphrase, but the words that come straight from Farrah's mouth (thankfully words in her mouth are all we're discussing today!) are just too good.  Check out her interview!

Your sex tape outsold Kim Kardashian’s video.  How does that make you feel?

It made me feel good.  It’s like, “Wow!”  TMZ wanted to say mean and horrible things and be derogatory.  People support me.  I’m really happy.  I’m pretty blessed.  I don’t compare myself to others in entertainment, and I want to make better choices for my future.

Will you show or tell your daughter about the video one day?

I plan on approaching it when we’re regularly talking about contraception, boyfriends.  I was sexually experimenting and if you do it, it should be with a quality person.  The more mistakes I may make the better for my daughter.  It helps us become successful in the end.  It helps me be stronger.

How is your daughter Sophia?

She’s doing amazing. She’s in private school.  She’s taking ballet.  She’s with me in Austin.

What really happened [when you reportedly got kicked out of a Miami rehab facility]?

My old manager, who is a lying b**ch, said I was disruptive.  I never said that.  OK! Magazine this week has a huge exclusive.  I completed that whole 60 hour thing and now I’m on probation.

What advice do you have for young women aspiring to be famous?

I don’t know what to say to the women who aspire to be famous.  You are born for it.  No matter how far you run, it’s always there.  I’ve had a lot of issues.  Girls have big jealously issues with me.  I’m the extreme opposite of what you expect. I’m not about money or fame.  You need to rely on your brain and not your body.

Why did you get another boob job?

I needed something there when I had my daughter.  I got saline B-cup implants.  After two years, I wanted more cleavage.  I wanted more boobage.  I got silicon.  I’m the woman I want to be.

Will you return to reality TV?

A lot of networks want to do a spinoff show.  I don’t want the same experience I had with the last two shows I did.  I want to show more truth and growth.  I’m more about educational value and if these networks are not about it then I’ll skip it.

Are you currently dating anyone?

I’m not sexually active.  I’m dating three people.  I really like two.  The gentlemen I’m dating are real businessmen who have their own companies and are very successful.  They don’t pay attention to entertainment or the drama.

Do you fight to be taken seriously since the sex tape went public?

I don’t fight being taken seriously.  When I was on MTV I had to fight every day to be taken seriously.  I had straight A’s and had to fight.  My teachers bullied me in a way. Since leaving that behind I’ve taken charge.  The video did not affect me.  People go, “Farrah is an adult.  It is life.”

I mean, is she kidding?  Is she Bynes-ing us all?  I guess the easiest way to explain why you don't have a new reality deal is to hop up on your lofty platform touting the importance of education.  Farrah's an inspiration, no?  Born to be famous?  I can't.  I just can't.  You keep using that brain of yours, lady!  Thank you, Farrah, you have totally made my day!


[Photo Credit: Getty Images]