RHONJ’s Teresa Giudice and WE’s Kendra Wilkinson Share Holiday Health Tips And Advice To Keep Your 2013 Resolutions!

tre kendra

Well, dear readers, thankfully the Mayan hype was just that…hype.  We're now in the last week of 2012 (has it flown by as quickly for you as it did me?), and we need to focus on 2013.  It's time for gorging on holiday leftovers and contemplating the last 365 days–or 265 days if you're RHOA's Porsha Stewart.  When it comes to making New Year's resolutions, I am absolutely horrible.  Check that.  I'm great at making them, but I'm awful at keeping them. 

For 2013, I plan to eat healthier (the BoJangles drive-thru is just so delicious and convenient), write daily (for myself), cook more, and like wine less (bwahahahaha!  Like that will ever happen!).  I also pledge to spend more time with family and friends–it's my one easy given.  I hate total failure. 🙂  Finally, I resolve to train for the half-marathon I've been wanting to do, and this time around wogging (walk/jogging) three miles every other week just won't cut it.  Thankfully, we've got some great tips from reality stars as to how to make our healthy resolutions an actuality.  Fingers crossed.

First up?  Real Housewives of New Jersey's controversial scene stealer is sharing a list of her ten healthiest tips…courtesy of her trainer.  Celeb Buzz is reporting on how Teresa Giudice plans to maintain her svelte figure in the new year.  The exercise-loving reality star reveals, “It is so rewarding how I feel at the end of the workout, I can’t wait to come back for more. One of the lessons I learned is that this is a lifestyle change. I’m not just here for a couple of months. I’m in it for the long haul.”


Tre's personal trainer adds, “Teresa is really positive and always ready to work hard when she gets to the gym. We’ve been doing 30-minute workouts. Teresa has been so pressed for time filming the new season of the Real Housewives, that is all the time I have with her. But we make every minute count.”

Teresa and her trainer have compiled a list of the ten most important changes one should make to reach their healthy goals.  Teresa even manages to off-handedly plug her cookbook, saying, "Everyone should follow [these tips] to keep themselves on track, be fit and feel fabulous.”  As much as I hate to admit it, they all make perfect sense, although (for me, at least), they are easier said than done.  Check them out below, courtesy of Celeb Buzz.

1. Only drink when you’re at social occasions. It’s easy to enjoy a glass of wine (or two!) when you’re wrapping presents, cooking or even baking, but don’t drink by yourself.

2. Don’t mix it up. Mixed alcoholic drinks  have too much sugar in them, and you’ll pay for it the next morning.

3. Have small meals throughout the day.The ideal number is six — and each meal should include protein and a complex carbohydrate.

4. Eat something before you go to a holiday party. Arriving on an empty stomach will cause you to overeat.

5. Watch your portions! Don’t load up on two or three helpings of stuffing or pie — your waistline won’t be forgiving.

6. Work it out! Try to get to the gym for at least 30 minutes, aiming for a mix of cardio and heavy weight training.

7. Vary your cardio. If you’re hitting the treadmill, mix up both the speed — try walking and running — and the incline. Stay away from the long, steady jog.

8. Don’t make excuses. If you can’t make it to the gym, you can still work out with home exercises. Try jumping jacks, lunges, squats, burpees, full body sit-ups and push-ups.

9. Take your act on the road. If the weather is nice, take the kids or the dog to the park. There may be stations set up for a circuit workout; if not, walk for an hour and enjoy the scenery.

10. Remember: staying fit isn’t just about the holidays. Says Tre's trainer,“It’s not just what you do or eat from Christmas to New Year’s Eve that matters. It is what you do or eat from the New Year to Christmas.”

Those are actually some really great steps that can turn a resolution into a habit.  Of course, Teresa isn't the only reality star weighing in about the importance of a healthy lifestyle.  Kendra Wilkinson also has some good advice to help her fans become the greatest versions of themselves.  Advocating against muffin tops, the former Playmate has her own guide to avoiding extra pounds during the holiday season.

Kendra recently blogged on her site about the important steps everyone should take when the turkey, alcohol, and desserts abound.  She writes, "Start every day with breakfast and a short workout. Eating breakfast will rev up your metabolism for the day and a short run or a 20 minute yoga session in the morning boosts your energy and keeps your appetite in check for the rest of the day."

She also agrees with Teresa that it's essential to never go to a cocktail party with an empty stomach.  Kendra explains, "Never go to a party hungry. Eat a small meal before attending cocktail parties, dinner parties, or any events where food will be served. Holiday appetizers are usually fried, stuffed with cheese, or full of sugar. Taste what you want but never make a meal of party appetizers."  Well, that's a bummer!  Fried and cheese are two of my favorite food groups!

Finally, Kendra reminds us, "Drink lots of water! Particularly if you’re drinking cocktails, pace yourself and drink a glass of water between alcoholic beverages. If you’re drinking cocktails, have a few sips of your favorite seasonal drink, like eggnog, or apple cider, then switch to something lower calorie like vodka soda with a lime wedge."  I have to say that I'm digging on Kendra's advice…mainly because I still get to enjoy a cocktail–or three!  🙂


[Photo Credit: Twitter]