Report – Jill Zarin Disappoints Fans At Recent Macy’s Fashion Event; Was Demanding And Rude! Refused To Wear Merchandise!

Oh, Jill Zaaaaaaarin. Give it up already and stop trying. I’ll admit, I’ve found you mildly amusing (albeit irreverent) in the past, but it’s just getting sad at this point.

The failed reality star recently hosted a “Find Your Magic” Spring Fashion Show at Macy’s in Philadelphia. The event presumably partnered with Jill to advertise her shapewear and her new jewelry line–both of which are sold at the department store–and was supposed to highlight spring trends and accessorizing.

As part of her appearance, Jill hosted a mini runway show and was supposed to educate attendees about incorporating the new spring trends into your current wardrobe, but sadly, Jill again let her guests down. No, she didn’t tell them being a stay-at-home mother sucked–it wasn’t that bad–she just didn’t impart any useful fashion information and bailed after less than an hour. At least according to one, less than impressed guest.

According to the Philadelphia Weekly Style Section, Jill was an uninspiring host. “I was hoping to see something new, but she [Jill] only showed trends that are in every other store,” PW Style reports. “The only trends discussed were bold colors and chunky heels.”

Even worse, Jill “couldn’t name what designer created each article of clothing. Several times throughout the show Jill mentioned that she loved a piece, yet had no idea who made it,” the review continues. “Rather than be professional and ask a Macy’s representative who it was, she just moved right on with the show…”

Sadly, things went from bad to worse after the show when an audience meet and greet was scheduled. The former Real Housewives of New York star demanded a makeup touch-up AND refused to wear a bracelet one of the Macy’s representatives had selected for her! Jill reportedly “ripped it off her wrist and threw it on the floor.” The reason? It wasn’t part of the Jill Zarin Jewelry Collection! A photo of Jill from the event is above.

Considering Jill allegedly has no other job to speak of, and what little celebrity she ever had is rapidly dwindling, you’d think she would take her gigs a little more seriously. Particularly because Macy’s sells her products and heavily promotes her.

So there you have it, Jill conducting herself with class, as always. Quick question: who is still booking this woman at events? #epicfail.

[Photo Credit: WENN]