Basketball Wives’ Royce Reed Says Tami Roman Was “Messy”; Evelyn Dishes On Jen & Show Drama; Plus PHOTOS of Evelyn’s Wedding Shoot

If we’re talking drama, we must be talking Basketball Wives! In Royce Reed’s VH1 blog from this week, she doesn’t hold back when discussing the other women. And I mean, she REALLY lays it all out on the table.

Speaking of Evelyn Lozada, Royce jokes, “Evelyn is getting married y’all. Yeah, I said it. I’ll admit I thought it was a publationship (that’s a relationship for publicity) but I seriously doubt anyone would get married solely for attention…especially after calling me out about having a blog, a twitter account, etc. when she now has more followers than all of us, tweets that ruin friendships, and a new blog…I’m just saying. I hope she doesn’t eat her words, because I will be serving up a lot of sh*t if I find out it’s fake. With that said, I’ll leave that notion alone and say that I do now believe the relationship is real.” Publationship! I love it!

Moving on, Royce has a sharp tongue when speaking of Suzie Ketcham‘s new bond with Jennifer Williams. “Suzie and Jenn. Seriously? Okay, first of all let’s call a spade a spade. You all are close right now by default. Suzie, you have run your mouth repeatedly and now you wonder why I’m not speaking to you? I said hello when you texted me. I also let you know you were full of sh*t.” She continues, “Everyone saw how pressed you were to become friends with people who could care less and I still had your back. But first time shame on you, second time shame on me. Third time…won’t be a third time… Jenn, sweetie, how are you calling someone immature and friendless? At the end of the day, I’m free and I go home with my pride, my dignity and REAL FRIENDS.” Ouch.

Speaking of her “real friends,” Royce also has some pretty harsh words for buddy, Tami Roman. She writes, “Tami, Tami, Tami…I love you but you had a messy moment. I understand you trying to get Jenn and Evelyn to speak and trying to see where each of their minds are. BUT that’s not where the problem was. The problem was you going back to Jenn and Suzie about our lunch date with Kesha [Nichols] and Kenya [Bell]. You call me out when I’m wrong so now I’m calling you out. That was deadass wrong. There was a different way to say how the first impressions went, but it was delivered all types of messy. Imma give you a pass because…hell…I don’t have a reason, I just am. But next time Imma wear full armor and tell it like it is so when I get popped it won’t hurt. Imma still say it though…” Yowsers.

Finally, Royce doesn’t like to say “I told you so…” but she totally does! She blogs on the Evelyn/Jenn meltdown, stating, “I don’t LIKE to be right about things like this. I just never felt the friendship was as solid or close and it looked to most viewers. I’ve know these women since summer 2009. I’ve seen a lot, heard a lot, but never vocalized much. It wasn’t my place to tell them ‘This friendship is the pits!’ Just from last season it seemed very one-sided and strained. I’ve never really seen them get deep or support each other fully. It always seemed full of side-eyes and judgments. Ten years or not, time doesn’t constitute the title of ‘Best Friend.’ But,again to each their own. Crocodile tears aside, what I DON’T respect is passing off blogs you didn’t write as your own then retracting them and throwing the true author under the bus when you get backlash from it.” Royce certainly doesn’t hold back, does she?

Moving right along, in an exclusive interview with, Evelyn discusses the upcoming season, whether her relationship with former bestie, Jenn is salvageable, and Shaunie O’Neal getting into the drama more than usual.

She begins by stating, “I am happy to be with some of the ladies, I’ll say that! I am really good friends with Shaunie O’Neal, we were friends before the show, and Tami Roman.”

Of course, as we all know, 36-year-old Evelyn has had recent discord (to put it mildly) with her former shadow Jennifer. She reveals, “As of now, me and Jennifer are not friends and I don’t think I will ever reconcile the friendship.” Continuing, Evelyn cites Jenn’s ego as a point of contention, “In the first episode they talked about her being ‘bougie,’ when you are that person and you get a little bit of fame, you start believing the hype. She thinks she is better than everyone else.”

Also, on Evelyn’s radar as potential trouble? Newbie Kenya. Of her new castmate, Evelyn claims, “Most of the cast members feel she’s a little strange to say the least. She’s not really someone I would hang out with after filming , she’s not my type of person.”

Evelyn admits that she is a fan of the other newcomer, Kesha Nicols. She says, “Kesha always remained herself and didn’t change, she wasn’t trying to do anything to make her mark on the show, but with Kenya she is not being herself and tries really hard to fit in. When you come into a fourth season, you smell B.S. from far away. It’s best to be yourself, that’s why I took a liking to Kesha. She is a really sweet girl and always seems like she is the same person on and off of the set.”

Of course, Evelyn doesn’t think she’ll have to put up with Kenya for long, stating, “I think her fakeness could definitely be Kenya’s demise.”

Or, could her demise be the Queen Bee herself, producer Shaunie O’Neal? Evelyn hints, “Shaunie actually gets into a conflict with one the cast mates , she’s usually quiet and stays out of the mess. She did have an issue with one of the ladies on the show, and I think viewers will be surprised that she voiced that and who that person ended up being.”

Evelyn admits that living in the spotlight can be hard at times, admitting, “I have my moments, sometimes you may say something and then look at it after filming and regret it. We all have those moments. I would have told Jennifer never to talk to me again, but that doesn’t make sense on the show because there are cameras here and you have to tell the story even if it can be frustrating.”

Of course, Evelyn wants to stay out of the drama (sure she does) and focus on her upcoming nuptials to New England Patriots player Chad Ochocinco, exclaiming, “We’re getting married this summer in Florida – I can’t believe it’s just a few months away!” has the photographs from a recent wedding spread for which Evelyn posed. See pics of her bridal photo shoot below! A new episode of Basketball Wives airs tonight on VH1 at 8PM ET.