PHOTOS – Taylor Armstrong Drunk & Crying On A Date; Did Bravo Change Filming Schedule Because She Was Beaten & Hospitalized?

With the second season of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (finally) winding down, viewers still don’t know what to think about resident drama queen Taylor Armstrong. The lady who made an entire series revolve around her faux tears (are her tear ducts frozen from botox?!) is still leaving us perplexed months after filming ended and months after the unfortunate death of her estranged husband Russell Armstrong.

Taylor, who is said to be destroyed by Russell’s passing and working hard to rebuild her life as a stronger person, has been all over the place in the media giving interviews, selling books and giving a very interesting portrait of a woman in grief. In the latest, three conflicting reports give us three different versions of Taylor — really, who knows what to believe.

First up, from RadarOnline comes the story of Taylor, the abused wife, and more information about the time-frame for Monday’s episode. Next week viewers will see Lisa Vanderpump re-opening her revamped lounge SUR with a big party attended by all the ladies of the cast. Previews show Lisa questioning Taylor about a suspicious bruise near her eye and Taylor having yet another tearless, wailing breakdown over her marriage.

According to the new report, more than a month had lapsed between shooting because Taylor had been hospitalized after an alleged serious beating left her face terribly bruised. Taylor also confessed to having Lasik eye surgery in early July, while filming was still taking place. Taylor has stated Russell severely beat her following the surgery, dislocating her cornea which resulted in the hospitalization. The photos she released of the alleged beating stemmed from that incident.

“Taylor still was bruised when she was at the party. She admits on camera to the ladies that Russell had badly beaten her. This beating had taken place after she had told him their marriage was over,” an insider reveals.

“Taylor wanted to face the ladies, especially Camille Grammer, because Taylor felt that Kelsey’s ex-wife had put her in danger by telling the others that Russell had been violent with her in the past,” Taylor the insider adds.

Last week, viewers saw Taylor speaking to wannabe Housewife Dana Wilkey supposedly a few days after Russell moved out and days before next week’s episode was filmed. At that time Taylor did not appear to have any visible facial injuries.

According to this report Lisa postponed the reopening of SUR to accommodate Taylor’s healing because Bravo wanted to film the event. Which would mean all the ladies are acting on next week’s episode?!

“Taylor’s hospitalization threw a monkey wrench in Lisa’s bottom line. The restaurant had been ready to open, viewers will see Lisa frantically trying to get the restaurant open, but Bravo had told her they wanted to film the grand opening party, so they had to wait until Taylor was out of the hospital,” the source describes of Bravo’s decision to fabricate scenes.

“Taylor wanted to face all of the women in one place. She wanted and needed to have them see her with the bruise on her face. Taylor was in VERY heavy make-up that night.” SUR allegedly actually re-opened in early-September, which was almost a month after Russell’s death — Perhaps this was a special event party filmed expressly for Bravo, but it’s very interesting from a timing perspective.

Last week, Bravo filmed the season two reunion. Andy Cohen stated that Taylor “didn’t shed a tear” during filming, which left many viewers alarmed given the tumultuous season and all that has been exposed in the course of filming.

“Taylor didn’t cry at the reunion because she is such a stronger person now, and she is no longer a victim,” the source clarifies. “This was a tremendous accomplishment because of everything that she has been through, with Russell’s suicide, and Taylor’s issues with Camille and the other Housewives this season.”

Now, I’m not sure what I think of Taylor’s allegations just yet, but I’ll withhold complete judgment until viewing the remainder of the season and the reunion, where Taylor has promised all the “haters” will eat “crow.”

Moving on, in report two we see Taylor, the grifter mess in danger of being exposed, also from the RadarOnline. Radar has released photos of a drunk and hysterical Taylor being hauled out Craig’s — a Beverly Hills restaurant — by a friend on Thursday night.

“Judging by the way she was staggering she was very drunk. She couldn’t stand up without help and was being held up by her friend as she walked to the car. She looked absolutely wasted,” a witness reports. “She was obviously very emotional and distraught. When she got in the back of the car — with considerable help from her friend — she broke down in floods of tears.”

This is not the first time Taylor has been photographed completely intoxicated in recent months. When she was in NYC to film WWHL Taylor appeared completely out of it and looked a wreck. “She’s a total mess,” a friend reveals. “Her world was built on a fantasy house of cards that’s crashing down.”

“Taylor’s whole persona is false and with Russell’s death friends say that she’s afraid the jig is up and people are aware of what a phony she is,” the friend adds. Indeed, Taylor has been in court battling a lawsuit filed by, a company Russell and her supposedly scammed.

“Every time I’ve been around her lately she drinks excessively, we’re all worried about how badly she seems to be doing,” the friend muses. Multiple reports have come forward questioning Taylor’s drinking habits and asserting that friends and family are so concerned they have encouraged Taylor to consider rehab. Taylor’s drinking was also a concern on the show when viewers watched her become intoxicated and out of control with rage and emotions on several episodes.

Finally, Taylor is moving on as photos of Taylor on the prowl on a date are below. Girl’s got bills to pay! Photogs spotted the grieving widow with a mystery man Thursday night — guess where!? Craig’s restaurant in Beverly Hills. Headed into the restaurant Taylor was a little steadier on her feet, but judging from the above information, I’m guessing a second date isn’t happening…

Taylor is seen walking with and then hugging the unnamed man. Photos of Taylor with her date are below!

[Photos Credit: WENN, SPW / Splash News]



Taylor leaving Craig’s drunk and hysterical! [Photo Credit: SPW / Splash News]


A drunk Taylor Armstrong with her rumored new boyfriend/date [Photo Credit: SPW / Splash News]


Taylor in the back seat of a car with her rumored new boyfriend