Teen Mom 2’s Jenelle Evans Faking It For The Cameras; Continues To Drink & Fight With Mom

Fans of MTV’s eponymous Teen Mom 2 know Jenelle Evans as the trouble girl gone good as she is shown trying to change her life, beat her addictions as well as regain custody of her two-year-old son, Jace.

Fans have supported Jenelle through her struggles to change her life, but OK! Magazine is reporting that Jenelle’s reformed image is merely an act for the cameras! Despite Jenelle recently claiming she has learned to “control her anger” and is working on being “civil instead of yelling,” behind the scenes Jenelle is apparently the same old volatile girl from last season!

“Jenelle has always had a temper, but now that she’s a ‘celebrity’ it’s gotten much worse,” an insider reports. “She has a sense of entitlement now, and if anyone tells her what to do – watch out!”

“Jenelle and her mom [Barabara Evans] never stop fighting — never,” says an insider who lives in the same town as the battling duo.”What’s bad is that Jace sees this all go down, all the time, every day.” At the center of Jenelle and Barbara’s arguments is Jace, whom Barbara still doesn’t trust alone with Jenelle.

Additionally, Jenelle isn’t limiting her aggression to family as she is also getting into fights with friends. Jenelle recently announced on Facebook that she was no longer getting along with roommate Hannah Inman. The two took their feud public with obscenity filled Twitter tirades and accusations. Classy, much? Hannah is Jenelle’s second roommate this winter, as the first one was unceremoniously kicked out for who knows what.

“Me and Hannah are officially not friends anymore,” the mature mother wrote on Facebook. “She simply used me for money, fame, ciggs, food, a cellphone, etc,” Jenelle published. I hope some of that money is also going towards the care of her son. #doubtit!

Further adding to the theory that Jenelle’s life is still a mess away from the cameras, Star Magazine has recently revealed that Jenelle has relapsed and wants to get back together with loser ex-boyfriend Kieffer Delp!

Friends recently revealed that during an MTV promotional tour the under-aged Jenelle was seen drinking alcohol. “One night Jenelle and some of the other girls went out to get alcohol to bring back to the hotel,” a source claims. “Jenelle was drinking beer.” Jenelle was also photographed supposedly smoking pot last year.

Jenelle’s problems are exacerbated by surrounding herself with bad influences. “Jenelle said she was going apartment hunting with this new friend of hers who smokes weed and drinks,” a friend disclosed. As for whether or not she has returned to her old pot head ways, friends aren’t sure. “I dont think Jenelle is smoking weed, but who really knows?”

Just recently some wild photos of Jenelle partying surfaced, which Jenelle claims are are from a couple months ago and she has since changed her behavior: “Yes i learned my lesson all those pics and videos r from two months ago. I never went back,” she tweeted.

And even worse for the beleaguered teen mama, who clearly has trouble making good decisions — she has big plans to get back together with Kieffer! “Jenelle told me that when Kieffer gets out of jail she’s more than likely going to get back with him,” the friend confesses. “She says that he doesn’t have anybody else.”

Perhaps she has moved on as photos from her Facebook page show her kissing a new guy and she has been posting about a person named Gary. We’ll see…

My two cents: Thank you MTV for exposing the sad and troubled worlds of these girls whose lives have clearly been deteriorated by the access to fame, attention and lots of money. If any of the above allegations are true, Jenelle needs to step away from the spotlight and get into therapy to really work through her issues so she can be the best mother possible to her little boy.