Is Teen Mom 2’s Pregnant Leah Messer Getting Married For Money? Report Says She “Needs Money”

Oh, Teen Mama Drama — why must you happen so frequently? Leah Messer recently announced she is both prego and getting married round two, but what is the Teen Mom 2‘s real reason for getting married?

Star Magazine reports that Leah has an ulterior motive for tying the knot so quickly to new baby daddy Jeremy Calvert. Money!

“Leah wants to get married so she can earn money by selling wedding photos and interviews,” a friend tells the gossip mag. “It’s the only way she can make money from the media under her contract. She didn’t get a bonus or anything from MTV for marrying on the show, but she can get a lot of money from the other things.”

Despite her rather large MTV paycheck, Leah apparently needs the money badly. So she’s pregnant again, why? “Leah needs the money,” the friend discloses. “Since she already lives with Jeremy, she doesn’t think a whole lot would change between them if they tie the knot.” I guess she’s forgotten that adding a newborn to the mix, along with her two-year-old twins will likely change things something drastic. But you know — rational thinking, smatsional schminking!

“I think they’re really good for each other,” the friend reveals of Leah’s warp speed relationship. “I just don’t think they should rush into marriage.”

In other news, Jeremy is apparently upset that fans are accusing Leah of paying for her own engagement ring! Taking to Twitter, Jeremy called out doubters claiming he paid for the 1.5 carat princess cut diamond ring himself! “umm FYI I don’t make a penny from MTV my own money bought it!,” he tweeted.

Explaining that he works as a “pipeline engineer for miller pipeline” “6 to 7 days a week outside in the cold” to earn a living. I have to say — good for Jeremy for working hard!

After defending himself to detractors, Leah tweeted: “I love you more then anything in the world baby, your my one and only!! :)),” so the world knows she stands by her man. Well, hopefully these two are happy and they aren’t getting married for the wrong reasons!

[Photo Credit: INF]