REPORT: More Details About Sheree Whitfield’s Custody Case! Does She Owe Bob Whitfield Over $400,000?

Sheree Whitfield‘s custody case is the hot story to keep her relevant this season on Real Housewives of Atlanta. Sheree is accusing her ex-husband, retired NFL player Bob Whitfield (a.k.a. Head Butt Bob), of refusing to pay child support and owing hundreds of thousands in back child support over four years. Many have found it odd that Bob would allow his deadbeat dad behavior to be flaunted on national television and, as is always the case, there seems to be much, much more to the story than meets the eye!

On the surface Sheree’s case seems cut and dry so her attorney, friend and co-star Phaedra Parks opted to take on the case pro-bono. When Phaedra suggested Sheree simply alert the authorities to Bob’s negligence, Sheree looked squeamish and immediately vetoed that idea, leaving many — including her attorney — perplexed. Sheree claimed she would not feel right putting the father of her children in jail. But is that really the reason she didn’t want Bob to hear that “clank-clank”?

Interestingly, last episode Phaedra decided to charge Sheree a $5000 retainer fee, claiming that her case became more challenging which would necessitate a lot more work on her part. Also interesting, Bob filed a motion against Sheree placing her in contempt for allegedly stealing furniture that was granted to him in the divorce decree. And that is just the tippity, tip, tip of the iceberg!

There has looong been the rumor that Sheree basically stripped the mansion she and Bob resided in during their marriage of all it’s fixtures after Bob allowed it to fall into foreclosure and Sheree plus children were evicted. Tamara Tattles gave an in-depth report of the situation on her blog which, is the first red flag in the complicated case of Sheree Whitfield vs. Bob Whitfield and the mystery of the child support case.

First, in an odd sequence of information that doesn’t add up, StraightFromTheA discovered that Phaedra is no longer representing Sheree according to the Fulton County Court Modification documents. Was it because she couldn’t afford her rates? The defendant’s lawyer is clearly listed as Joy Nicol Hanyard. The real question is did Phaedra ever represent Sheree or was that added for dramatic purposes? Tamara Tattles has already alerted us that the presiding judge seen on last week’s episode of RHOA is not the actual judge whose courtroom was featured (nor the judge listed on this document). A copy of that document is below.

StraightFromTheA, an Atlanta blog known for getting the scoop, did more digging and found that the case between Sheree and Bob is absolutely 100% real and not created for RHOA — however the case that we are seeing played out on TV is very different than the behind the scenes situation. Apparently Bob is tired of being depicted as the miscreant father and first-rate a-hole. Speaking to the blog he is giving his side of the story!

Calling the situation a “hot mess”; he also takes issue with Phaedra claiming he looked a “hot mess” in court (is that the adjective of the week?)! Bob claims that ugly wrinkled shirt he wore in the court scene was actually a $300 Robert Graham shirt and he was not trying to look like a “hobo” but it was too hot for a suit and his iron was “so raggedy.” Yes, this man went to Stanford.

Bob also admits that sticking out his tongue makes him look like such a “smug bastard” and he also admits that he does, in fact, “know people” at the court as Sheree said. As for Sheree, Bob reveals, she doesn’t know “when the truth starts and when the lie begins.” He also comments on Chateau Thelma Sheree, wondering why she has that “mound of dirt.” The conversation is a little difficult to decipher, but if you don’t mind Bob’s filthy mouth, it’s worth a listen!

So what is the truth behind all the acrimony and the reason why Bob is refusing to pay his ex-wife court-ordered child support? According to MediaTakeOut, Sheree actually owes Bob a butt load of dollars! After sifting through some court documents, here’s what they discovered: “When Sheree and Bob got divorced, the court ordered them to SELL the house, split the proceeds. And for Bob to give Sheree $425K in additional cash. Bob would pay her $25K up front, and the other $400K once they sold the house. Well Sheree TRICKED Bob, and asked him if he could give her the $400K early, so that she could get a home for their children.”

“And after Bob gave her the money, Sheree filed MULTIPLE lawsuits, and refused to leave the house or pay the mortgage. Eventually the bank foreclosed on the house, and Bob lost ALL the equity he had in the home.” Bob took Sheree to court over the matter and Sheree was “admonished,” yet not charge according to the court documents. Perhaps this is why she lost all of her appeals for spousal support? Sheree never paid Bob back for the money lost as a result of her refusal to honor the agreement. And that clears up why the house fell into foreclosure.

Essentially if Sheree attempts to take Bob to court for the lost child support, he can counter-sue for all the money he is owed. A copy of the court documents obtained by MediaTakeOut are below. Also, below is a photo of the home which Sheree was shown living in on the first and second season of RHOA.

Perhaps this is the real reason Sheree is not getting child support! Sheree has not commented on the reality of her situation on Twitter or her Bravo Blog!



The “real” papers Sheree was served by Bob. Note the attorney’s name [CREDIT: StraightFromTheA]

Sheree’s former home, which was featured on RHOA in previous seasons.

Court documents explaining what happened to Sheree’s house. [CREDIT:Media Take Out]


StraightFromTheA’s recorded conversation with Bob Whitfield.