Teen Mom 2’s Jenelle Evans Says She’s Changing Life To Get Son Back; Avoids Jail Time

With Teen Mom 2 second’s season premiering this past Tuesday night, I am sure the young mothers (if they are anything like their original counterparts) will be giving us a lot on which to report.

Never one to be out of trouble the lime light for long is the troubled Jenelle Evans. I must say that I hope Jenelle (she’s admittedly one of my favorites… I see a lot of potential in her — let the comments begin! :)) gets her life in order, and as Hollybaby.com is reporting, it appears that she is hopefully changing her situation for the better.

Highlighting a recent magazine interview, the blog discusses Jenelle’s decision to check into rehab. She explains, “My life just started spiraling out of control, my emotions were running wild and I didn’t know how to slow them down. I was having trouble quitting marijuana. I just had to get away from all the drama. If I hadn’t gone, I’m pretty sure I’d be in jail.” She continues, “I’m doing everything in the right direction. I’ve learned how to control my anger.”

As viewers of Teen Mom 2 are well aware, it’s Jenelle’s anger — or mishandling of that anger — that gets her in the most trouble. She admits, “Now when I have problems with people, I confront them about it, but I’m civil instead of yelling. I learned it’s better to leave than have Jace watch me argue with my mom.” Well, that revelation is clearly a step in the right direction!

However, Jenelle believes that her mother, the always yelling Barbara Evans, isn’t ready to see her daughter’s improvement… although many would likely say, ‘Can you blame her?’ Still Jenelle reveals, “She’s just really scared of me getting custody back, because I’m so close. She’s going to do anything in her power for me not to get him back.” I have to wonder if Barbara is so anti-Jenelle as Jenelle seems to think, or just simply pro-Jace.

While Jenelle continues with counseling, she wishes her mother would join her in an effort to resolve their issues. According to Jenelle, her mother will not attend therapy. She explains, “She claims she doesn’t need it and that I’m the one that needs it.” Jenelle adds that the pair don’t get together to tune into the MTV hit because it will likely result in a fight. As for Barbara, she comments, “Jenelle continues to struggle with motherhood.”

Still, Barbara hopes that Jenelle will continue to improve. “I’m hoping the situation gets better,” says Barbara. “I can never give up on my daughter, and it’s important to me that Jace has a close relationship with his mom.”

As Jenelle continues to work on herself and her relationships, she also seems to be faring very well (read: incredibly lucky) in her legal battles. EOnline.com reports that Jenelle has once again avoided jail time. After her recent hearing, the reality star (I hate to give these girls that much credence, but MTV already has, so it is what it is) tweeted, “And the judge congratulated me to [sic] being clean since August 😉 and got drug tested at court and I passed of course. Probation got continued!!” Now, let’s just take some of that exuberance and channel it into being a mother and regaining custody.

After facing charges for drug possession and, later, assault, U.S. District Judge Marion R. Warren of Brunswick County, North Carolina last week found that Jenelle was abiding by all of her probation terms. Until her probation period expires in April, Jenelle will still be subject to twice monthly drug testing. Jenelle can also cross off her list the required anger-management courses and parenting classes which were a stipulation of her probation, as she has completed them.

Her attorney Dustin Sullivan states, “She has been doing everything that has been asked of her. She’s been doing tremendously well.” He says confidently, “I have no doubt it will be a successful probation.”

[Photo Credit: INFphoto.com]