Flipping Out Reunion Recap: Ghosts of Season’s Past

Flipping Out Jeff Lewis

Oh, so sad it’s officially the last day of Flipping Out, but do not despair because Jeff and the gang will be back sooner than later with a new Bravo reality show called “Interior Therapy” and I need to get my audition tape made ASAP. Imagine – spending a week with Jeff, Jenni, and Zoila – that’s better than free reign of Lisa Vanderpump’s closet!

Jeff and Andy break down what’s been going on in the land of Lewis since the show stopped filming and apparently Jeff has only seen Sarah twice and Trace once since they were let go of JLD. Jeff confirms he is in his new redecorated home, his income has doubled since Gage convinced him to cut the dead weight, he is definitely planning kids sooner than later, and he is now representing Zoila as her manager – he’ll be getting 90% and she still only gets free room and board. Jeff was much softer during this interview and had so many humble (for him!) moments where he admitted how much the people in his life meant to him – like when he said he couldn’t live without Gage, Zoila, and Jenni. It was nice.


Jenni joins Jeff on the sofa and she is still happily and successfully working with Senor Lewis, although she admits they needed that year-long break to appreciate each other after all the “issues” they had. Both Jenni and Jeff believe they should have supported each other more and stuck together instead of letting fame go to their heads trying to branch out on their own. Both Jenni and Jeff acknowledge that just like Oreos taste better with both cream and cookie, they are better as a team.

Jeff, still jealous of Jenni paying attention to anything but him, is resentful about her “other” career intercepting with JLD. Jenni’s children’s rap album is due out soon (although Jeff doesn’t believe it) and she recorded a rap with Lil Jon. Jeff is condescending about Jenni’s album and wants proof any of this stuff is actually happening after all the plodding along Jenni has done with her musical career. And Andy one ups Jeff by asking where that paint line is!? Buuurn! Jenni acknowledges she will never ever leave Jeff’s side for the rest of his life – even though he makes her participate in some of his bizarre side projects: likes stalking strange looking people, taking their pics, and posting it on Facebook– he’s like The Sartorialist for fashion rejects!

Andy questions Jeff about Chaz Dean, and Jeff has no bad things to say about the man who gave him work in the middle of a housing industry meltdown and subsequent recession, but Chaz feels awkward around him after the whole NYC salon debacle. Did anyone else catch Jeff’s jab to Andy that he is disappointed Jeff has toned it down and is not flipping out so much aka bringing the dramz! Andy’s face in response to that comment = priceless. Jeff talks about how Jenni coming back to work spawned a lot of gossip between Trace and Sarah because they resented being demoted as Jenni’s general fabulousness took over, which started a lot of the issues in the office.

Andy brings up the dreadful Stacey – the evil Jenni-hating client from hell. Jenni feels Stacey was bitter over the closeness she shared with Jeff. Jeff admits he should have defended Jenni sooner, but he was amused by Stacey’s audacity. Jenni maybe should have gone a little “Deb” on Stacey’s a$$!

Moving onto the personal side of things, we find out Jenni has left her loser ex-hubby in the dust and no longer communicates with him (despite him trying to exhort money from her and being on his third marriage), and she is now dating a Greek doctor. Jackpot! Jeff is excited about the prospect of walking Jenni down the aisle and being listed above the bride and groom on the invites, as he is taking credit for Jenni divorcing her loser.

It’s all even, because Jenni was responsible for introducing Jeff and Gage. Oddly, Gage owned his own denim like and wanted to get some on the butts of the FO cast, which is where Jenni met him. And the rest is history! Gage avoided the limelight for a few seasons because he was “weirded out” by being on TV as a couple – even though they’re not doing any bathtub scenes or anything ( nice Tamra dig!). However Gage finally came on the show for financial reasons.  Jeff mentions they wouldn’t have been able to shoot the new season around him (since he was helping to fire half the team!)and frankly the show is part of their business. Jeff defends Gage finding inefficiencies and helping him see where things could improve. It’s kind of refreshing to hear how upfront and honest they are considering – like, admitting the whole reason they are on TV is to make money. And I really do get the feeling Gage hates being on television. I love watching a show that does not contain a bunch of desperate fameballs.

Jeff and Gage talk about their paranoia over sexytimes since learning that Casey likes to listen in! Gage and Jeff explain as a couple they are in the No PDA, No sex talk, and No cutsey coupley stuff camp; although they both want to get married (just not now – Jeff is avoiding NY) and Gage wants to stay with jeff 4eva. Seeing them on the reunion, they actually seemed like a well matched couple. Gage does seem more mature than Jeff.

Zoila joins the team and she looks fantastic – even for an older woman in her – wait a second she’s not admitting how old she actually is (she’s a much, much, much older woman). Zoila informs us she has been getting sexed up since her new face! Andy brings up Jeff rifling through Zoila’s unmentionables and how uncouth it was, but Jeff is on the defense about how he needs to keep things organized and he asks Zoila over and over to do things. Ok, but still Jeff – it’s her closet in her room; it has nothing to do with the rest of the house. Jeff and Zoila talk The Lupe Invasion and Jeff echos what he said in the season finale when he and Gage have children in the near future, Zoila will be the care-giver; apparently she’s not taking the bite without a raise though!

After a 30 minute love-fest, Sarah and Trace return! Jeff went Sarah’s wedding and Sarah was happy he came! Jeff and Sarah both take the opinion that the firing wasn’t personal and they are still friends, especially since at the wedding a drunk Jeff told Sarah he loves her. Although, Sarah’s dad did accuse Jeff of firing Sarah to fabricate controversy for the show. Sarah doesn’t agree though and admits she sucked at being a personal assistant – even though she and Jeff thought their working relationship would continue forever. Jeff calls Sarah out on poor decision making and assuming because they are family she had job security; and mentions her relationship with terrible Stacey Farrish. Sarah admits they have socialized together, but that’s it and Jeff reminds her that she signed a contract stipulating she can have no contact with his former clients. Sarah, of course, didn’t bother to read said contract and thought it meant she could have no PROFESSIONAL contact, but could still go out and get loaded with them! Oh, Sarah!

Shockingly, Jeff acknowledges that Sarah’s Bachelorette Weekend was a total set-up and he should not have done that. I re-wound when I heard Jeff apologize – just to make sure – since it happens so rarely.

Finally Trace appears! Jeff is still so angry about the entire situation and is practically leaping out of his seat to yell (here’s your ratings, Andy!)! Jeff is very upset that while Trace was working there, some professional boundaries were crossed as he developed a friendship with clients and gossiped about JLD. Jeff also believed Trace was angling to start his own business and leave – reminding Jeff of Ryan! Trace does admit he was planning to be evacuate in 6 months to a year and claims Jeff was aware of his intentions to go out on his own. Trace thinks Jeff was fearful he was eclipsing him and was afraid of losing control. Jeff believes Trace didn’t want the job anymore; since he was already making moves to start his own business. Trace says Jeff barely let him speak in the termination meeting and he was completely blindsided. Jeff calls bull on that by reminding Trace of the two other reviews he had about his performance in which Jeff gave him a three strikes you’re out warning!

Jeff also calls Trace out on contacting Jeannie for a job after he left JLD, which Trace reluctantly confesses that he did. When Andy asks if Trace blames Gage for being let go, Trace states that Gage influences Jeff a lot, but Gage is not to blame. Eventually, Trace apologizes after Jeff and Andy hold a gun to head and Jeff really appreciates it. Jeff discloses there is a possibility of him working with Trace again, although not as an employee of JLD. Trace looks like he’d rather die than do that!

And that’s pretty much it – Jeff and the team will be participating in a new Bravo spin-off which hopefully will be here very soon! Well, I can’t wait! Thanks for a fantastic season!

Thoughts on the reunion? Were you surprised that Jeff is still so angry about Trace? How excited are you for the new show: Interior Therapy?!