Preview The Real Housewives of New Jersey: The Chanels of Venice

The Real Housewives of New Jersey

Tonight marks episode 14 of the very long neverending current season of the Real Housewives of New Jersey.

In tonight’s episode, the housewives take a trip to Venice, Italy sans Danielle Staub. Caroline, Teresa and Jacqueline head to Venice for a family vacation and are excited to explore the city on water. The three and their crew enjoy all that the city has to offer but are upset by their non-singing gondola guys! Will the ladies make it through the trip in one piece or will the famous Housewife drama follow them across seas? Find out tonight at10/9c on Bravo.

Also coming up in tonight’s episode is the Joe Giudice DWI arrest. Joe was arrested back on January 14th for driving under the influence, and as we reported yesterday, he has been sentenced for his driving offense.

However in a preview clip for tonight’s new episode, Joe denies he was drinking that night, even though his blood-alcohol content after the crash was .11 percent, above the .08 percent at which a motorist is considered intoxicated in New Jersey.

This isn’t the first time Joe has had driving issues, as his driving license has been suspended an astonishing total of 9.4 years out of the last 20 years. As for Joe’s sentence, the judge “imposed $864 in penalties; revoked his driver’s license for 12 months; and ordered him to perform 30 days community service. A 30-day jail sentence was suspended, providing the community service is completed.”

UPDATE – Thanks to our reader Bryan, Danielle Staub is now denying to HollywoodLife that she tweeted Jacqueline’s daughter Ashley Holmes should kill herself.

This all began last week when a twitter user @PrinceEdwiin tweeted to Danielle that it was his birthday and he wanted “Ashley Holmes to kill herself and videotape it.” Danielle then replied to him saying: “happy birthday. May every wish come true!”

Well Danielle’s stupid defense is now that she doesn’t read every single tweet sent to her and that she sometimes barely reads what is said to her, adding that “I never tweeted that Ashley should kill herself! I would never wish death upon Ashley! I can’t stand the fact it has gotten this far.” Umm then who made the tweet Danielle?

Danielle also seems to be confused about how twitter works as she wonders how @PrinceEdwin was able to tweet to her since he doesn’t follow her. Umm will someone please inform Danielle people who don’t follow you can tweet to you?