Lisa Wu Hartwell’s Closet Freak Clothing Line Unveiled!


The upcoming episode of The Real Housewives of Atlanta will feature the debut of Lisa Wu Hartwell‘s clothing line. The clothing line named “Closet Freak” was unveiled a while back during a fashion show in Atlanta.

We now have the photos of Lisa’s line, and let’s just say some of her pieces should have remained in the closet. The above photo is pretty much as “good” as it gets.

When asked to describe her clothing line, Lisa says, “I wanted very classical, elegant pieces, but still a little flirtatious. I think these days a lot of women overexpose themselves to get attention.” The good news is wearing Closet Freak will definitely get you some attention, though likely not the type of attention you were looking for.

This clothing line is in addition to Lisa’s many businesses – which include a jewelry line, real estate company, children’s clothing line, and any other business she decides to come up with while this post is being written. A reader once asked a good question, saying – “Lisa has a lot of businesses, but do any of them make her any money?” Interesting question indeed.

Photos of Lisa’s Closet Freak line is below. The 18-piece collection includes skirts, tops, jumpsuits and dresses.


Tell Us – What Do You Think Of Lisa’s Closet Freak Line?  






Lisa Wu-Hartwell


Lisa Wu-Hartwell,NeNe Leaks

Lisa Wu-Hartwell

NeNe Leakes,Dwight Eubanks
