Bethenny Frankel Has To Give Jason Hoppy HOW MUCH Money?!


Bethenny Frankel better hurry up and get this divorce settled and done before she hemorrhages any more money!  In the latest temporary order in her financial portion of the divorce from Jason Hoppy, Bethenny has to fork out another $100,000 toward his lawyer fees and then some. 

I don’t care if you love or hate Bethenny and I GET that the law in NY states that the wealthier spouse has to carry the brunt of the financial responsibility, but come on!  These two were only married for two years and Jason may *only* make $100,000 a year, but when is it too much? Check out the list of money that Bethenny has pay to Jason since she’s the breadwinner in this short lived union.

– An additional $100,000 to Jason’s lawyer

– $600 a month for Bryn’s school tuition

– $900 a month in Bryn’s extracurricular activities 

– $12,000 in alimony per month

– $ 3,000 in child support

–  $11,000 a month for maintenance on their $5 million apartment HE lives in.

This divorce has been going on for three years already and apparently Jason has already racked up $700,000 in legal bills. That’s not including Bethenny’s own lawyer fees and other expenses.  These people could be feeding an entire poverty-stricken city with their attorney fees alone!  It’s mind-boggling!

Bethenny needs to get this guy to agree to a settlement and get it over with so she can move on and focus on more positive things.  I can’t wrap my head around the financial drain much less the emotional drain of this thing – it has been going on forever!  

Photo Credit: Getty Images