Danielle Staub Trashes Co-stars! Calls Teresa An “Ape,” Says Joe Likes Strippers, Plus Kim G. Bikini Photos

Just 24 hours after the Bravo network confirmed her departure from the Real Housewives of New Jersey, scorned woman Danielle Staub is wasting no time in trashing her co-stars.

The 48-year-old reality star who was fired by Bravo, despite her claims that she left the show on her own accord, is giving out interviews to every media outlet that is willing to listen to her. In the process, she is making certain to bash her fellow housewives, while spilling some of their secrets. In fact, the only housewife not to bear the brunt of Danielle is Jacqueline Laurita, who famously made up with her during the reunion show.

In an interview with Steppin’ Out magazine via RadarOnline, Danielle goes as far as to refer to Teresa Giudice as an “ape” while stating that Teresa’s husband Joe Giudice “loves his strippers.” Excerpts are below –

Danielle on Teresa’s Looks –

“She needs a hairline revision. Planet of the Apes has nothing on her!.. She reminds me of Cornelius from Planet of the Apes. Could you imagine if her face is that hairy what her body hair must be like? It’s got to be out of control.”

Danielle on Teresa and hubby Joe affair rumors –

“I would not doubt that for a second. I hear that all the time. I was hearing those rumors before we even taped the show. Joe loves his strippers. Maybe that’s another reason Teresa hates me. She forgets I used to be a stripper. I’m not a stripper anymore. Don’t hate us all… If she was making Joe happy maybe he wouldn’t have to go some place else. I don’t know what goes on in their bedroom, but from what I’ve seen, Teresa is not exactly a turn on. Her forehead is disturbing. But it’s not even about her looks.”

Danielle wasn’t done yet as she also gave an interview to OUT magazine, during which she trashed Caroline and Dina Manzo. In the interview, Danielle claims she is friends with Teresa’s brother and sister-in-law, Joe and Melissa Gorga, while stating that Teresa treats them very poorly and that she is jealous of their wealth. Excerpts below –

Why did what you said about her nephew make Teresa so mad in the first place?

Teresa never greeted her nephew. I have proof of that in email. She never said congratulations to her brother when her nephew was born. Her brother has been directly contacting me for the past year and a half, letting me know how he feels about his sister. And how he and his wife — pregnant wife — were thrown from her house because they brought my favorite cookies to Christmas Eve… Teresa threw a hissy fit. And not once do you see her with her brother and her sister-in-law and their beautiful children. Not once! But she glorifies everybody else. Why couldn’t she show her real family? Why? Just tell me why? Because they have more than her maybe? Because she’s jealous of them maybe? Or maybe they would have told the truth and said Teresa goes off like that all the time. “It’s not just Danielle. Teresa’s certifiably crazy.” I think they’re going to have their chance now to speak the truth. Go for it, I’m all behind you.

Did you try to get Dina’s kids taken away from her?

No, I don’t even know her daughter’s last name. I do know that Dina did a whole article devoted to trying to make the world believe that I did that, but Dina’s not doing the show because she forged a legal document with her ex-husband’s name on it, giving her daughter permission to do season 1. And when her ex-husband found out about it, he forbade her to do season 2, leaving Dina with nobody in her immediate family — her daughter or her husband, who never taped with her once — to do anything with her. So she left the show because she was too embarrassed to say that she forged a legal document. I had to have my ex-husband sign for my children. She didn’t do that. But again, Dina lies, and everybody swears by it. Dina is more fake than the whole lot of them. It’s just that she’s the baby of the family, so Caroline’s going to keep backing her up. I am truly the only gay advocate. And I’ll tell you one thing, none of them can prove to me they’ve walked one foot in any Pride. Where I have walked, continuously over the years, a total this past year of eleven miles. In stilettos. To support and lift up, and be there, and hug and embrace my gay community. And I will continue to do that. I speak for equality, and I always have.

This comes as no surprise as Danielle has always shown just how vindictive she is. In other news, TMZ posted some bikini photos of the elderly Kim G. this morning, and yes you read that right, bikini photos. No word on how TMZ got the photos or why exactly, but so umm yeah, the photos are below.