THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NEW YORK CITY -- "Upstate Girls" Episode 1111 -- Pictured: (l-r) Barbara Kavovit, Sonja Morgan, Luann de Lesseps -- (Photo by: Heidi Gutman/Bravo)

Luann de Lesseps Thinks Sonja Morgan Bringing Wine As A Hostess Gift Was “Tone Deaf”

One of the main themes of this season of the Real Housewives of New York is Luann de Lesseps’ sobriety. Everyone has an opinion about it and her co-stars have generally been supportive of her not drinking. Of course, they draw the support line at refraining from drinking in her presence! Or even slowing down a bit. I am not mentioning any names–Sonja Morgan and Dorinda Medley. And you too, Tinsley Mortimer.

As the other ladies are still drinking as much as ever, you have to wonder how this impacts Luann. On this week’s episode of the show we watched an inebriated Sonja embarrass herself in Miami-in a big way! Is this something you should do around a close friend who is newly sober? It makes you wonder if Sonja is truly respectful of Luann’s sobriety. Luann has some thoughts about an earlier sobriety faux pas committed by Sonja–and Ms. Morgan, of course, also explains her side of the story.

In separate interviews for the Real Housewives of New York After Show, Luann and Sonja discuss Lady Morgan’s decision to bring wine as a gift to Luann’s new home in upstate New York. Luann shares, “I love Sonja, you know, she’s totally oblivious to the fact that I’m not drinking. So, why would you bring as a hostess gift to me, a bottle of wine? It’s like, did she run out of candles?”

You have to wonder, what would possess Sonja to do such a thing? Luann had been in rehab not once, but twice in the year before filming. Shouldn’t that have been Sonja’s clue that a set of coasters or a picture frame might have been a more appropriate gift? Or maybe she could have stopped at a convenience store on her way upstate and purchased some $6.99 a bunch flowers?

For her part, Sonja doesn’t see a problem with her gift. Regarding Luann’s feelings about being exposed to alcohol, Sonja states, “I’ve never felt that way. I know people keep saying it, but I’ve never felt when I’ve been out with Luann and she’s not drinking that it bothers her that other people are drinking. And when I’m not drinking, I don’t really care if other people drink. I don’t really feel that way.”

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Does Sonja not see that there is a difference in someone choosing to go out in public settings where they know there will be alcohol–and dropping off a bottle of wine in a recovering alcoholic’s home? Apparently not, as Sonja goes on to declare, “And she always needs a supply of booze at her house. I probably recycled something I had.” Wow, Sonja–when you put it like that, Luann should have been thrilled to receive your gift of cast-off booze!

How does Luann really feel about Sonja’s gift? She admits, “It’s a bit tone deaf.” And if anyone should know about being tone deaf, it is cabaret superstar Luann! Seriously, Luann is really giving Sonja a pass on this one, in my opinion. Having a bottle of alcohol in the home of an alcoholic could be the gateway back to rehab. Think, Sonja, think!

And what are Luann’s thoughts regarding the shady cabaret drinking game that Dorinda, Tinsley and Bethenny Frankel discussed on the way up to her house? Luann claims, “I think it’s hysterical. I don’t take it personally. I mean, they can joke all they want about rehab, sobriety. It doesn’t bother me because, you know, I know what’s important to me.”

RELATED: Dorinda Medley, Sonja Morgan, & Tinsley Mortimer Question The Sincerity Of The Apology Luann de Lesseps Gave Bethenny Frankel

However, Luann goes on to admit that she thinks the other women can be dismissive of her sobriety–which has been admittedly shaky. She says, And if they don’t get it and respect the fact that I’m trying to be sober and trying not to drink and they want to play games and they want to make jokes about it, I can laugh right along with them.” Which probably is not something that she learned in rehab. Or heard from the judge at her recent court hearing.

Although we watch the Housewives shows for silliness, glamour and outrageous behavior, the gifting of wine to an alcoholic seems to cross a line. And we know that if anyone is going to cross a line, it is Sonja Morgan. And of course, Sonja being Sonja, she doesn’t really believe in lines or limits-stay tuned for Part 2 of the Miami trip for reference!

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[Photo Credit: Heidi Gutman/Bravo]