Dorit chimes in

Dorit Kemsley Did Not Doubt That Lisa Rinna Questioned Kim Richards’s Sobriety In Conversations With Eden Sassoon

The arrival of Eden Sassoon on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills was the best thing to happen to Dorit Kemsley. It seemed like Dorit was the designated villain of the season until Eden decided to question Kim Richards about her sobriety…and it looks like that’s all thanks to instigation from Lisa Rinna and Dorit believe the hype- as do I.

It really seemed like Eden was way out of line with questioning Kim’s sobriety and saying Kyle Richards enables her when they all JUST MET, but it would make sense since Lisa Rinna told her that Kim is “close to death.” So now it seems like Rinna is the real villain this year and Dorit has a lot to say about it.


Aside from comparing her behavior to Rinna and Eden’s recent antics, I have to admit that I am actually starting to like Dorit. And at the very least, her children are darling. In her Bravo blog, Dorit opened up about the sweetest moment of the episode: “After six months of speech therapy, Jagger was starting to use his words and have better engagement with us. We always try to be optimistic and hopeful for what’s to come with his progress. It’s especially adorable when he keeps pointing ‘I LOVE YOU’ to his little sister- he’s already an amazing big brother and I couldn’t be more proud of him. Our time together as a family means everything to both PK and I.”

RELATED: Dorit Kemsley Does Not Think There Are Any Real Villains On RHOBH; Says Eileen Davidson Needs A Lot Of Resolution

The episode wasn’t just full of cute family moments though. The cast went to Mexico for the first group trip of the season. Dorit discussed her thoughts about her first cast vacation: “I haven’t gone out of the country with the ladies before so I knew this would be an interesting journey but I was SO happy that PK was with me.” Like most of the viewers, I’m not a fan of PK Kemsley, but I don’t blame Dorit for wanting an ally. These Real Housewives trips can get ROUGH.

Surprisingly enough, Dorit actually admitted that she was happy that Erika Girardi made the trip. Dorit revealed, “I knew that Erika was coming by herself and I was looking forward to spending some quality time and talk with her- we did just that and we had a lot of fun. We laughed a lot, had some really nice conversations and overall good vibes those first two days.” I actually noticed that too…but then snapped back to reality when I saw these two going at it in the teaser for the rest of the season that came on after the episode ended. And I’m sure Rinna was very relieved to see Dorit and Erika going at it to get the heat away from her bullshit.

The episode started to turn up when they were discussing the idea of Rinna feeding information to Eden which instigated her constant attacks on Kim’s sobriety and her relationship with Kyle. Dorit explained her mindset when the discussion turned to Rinna’s shadiness: “At first, I was in shock at what I was hearing. Here we are, all of us having fun together and then we hear what Lisa R. said about Kim. It wasn’t nice to hear.” Yeah not at all. Not only was it far from nice, but it just also seems stupid for Rinna to turn her story line to be all about Kim for the third season in a row. It’s never been appealing and it isn’t now. And I can’t help wondering why Kim doesn’t get a cut of Rinna’s paycheck since she seems to be Rinna’s favorite topic of conversation.

Dorit revealed, “I wanted to be fair and give her the benefit of the doubt, but deep down I felt it was more likely that she did say it.” Obviously Dorit can’t watch all the scenes before discussing this with the cast at the table, but clearly Dorit’s instincts were spot on with this situation.

Dorit also said, “I did have a lovely time with her and Eden at Eden’s house for smoothie night. In fact, my mention of when Rinna pulled out her bag of pills during smoothie night was to highlight what fun we had together and the barrel of laughs we shared together. ‘We bonded over xanax and smoothies’ – we had fun.”

No one believes that, Dorit. I don’t know if this is your “British sense of humor” or whatever else you want to use to excuse your shit stirring, but there is no chance in hell that Dorit casually mentioned Rinna’s bag of pills in a positive manner. Even if Dorit did have fun with Rinna that day, mentioning it was definitely stirring the pot.

Jumping back to the most recent episode, Dorit said, “My main concern was Kyle though. None of us wanted this trip to be ruined for her and Mauricio [Umansky] so it was a priority for me to make sure she still enjoyed herself. Well, until next week my darlings…” Yeah, it definitely looks like Kyle “enjoyed herself” when Rinna showed up in Mexico and she had to confront her.

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[Photo Credit: Bravo]
