Gia Giudice

Gia Giudice’s Career “Goal” Is To Have Father Joe Giudice’s Immigration Status “Reevaluated”

We love a girl with a goal, and Gia Giudice has a big one. Teresa Giudice’s eldest daughter is in the early stages of a legal career. And she has some big plans for the future. According to Page Six, she wants to use her legal knowledge to have her father’s immigration status “reevaluated.”

Gia’s goal might sound lofty, but she’s already making some solid steps in building a legal career. The Real Housewives of New Jersey star is currently a senior at Rutgers University. She is majoring in criminal justice and minoring in sociology.

She’s also been interning at two law offices. One internship is with an immigration attorney who expressed interest in her father’s case. “They were interested in possibly, potentially looking at his case again — just in the future, if they would be able to do anything for him,” she explained of her employer.

Gia continued, “I was like, ‘Honestly, Dad, yeah. Like, this could be amazing.’ And it’s been so cool, like, just seeing other immigration cases that are completely different than what my father’s [was] and just the situations that these people have been put through.”

Gia’s dad, Joe Giudice, was deported back to Italy in 2019. His deportation followed a three-year prison stint for fraud. Since then, he’s relocated to the Bahamas to make family visitations a little less complicated. But Gia wants to see her dad back in the United States.

RELATED: Joe Giudice Says He’s Launching A Legal Consulting Firm

“We have such a big family, and no matter what the situation is, gathering all of us to go visit him [is hard]. Even though he did move to Bahamas for us, for him to be closer, for the flight to be easier … like, plane tickets are still crazy expensive, and especially when everybody has off around the holidays [and] the airlines jump the prices up,” Gia explained.

“It is hard for everybody to see him, rather than just one person being able to come here, like during holidays or birthdays, would just be like a dream come true,” she continued.

Gia noted that he was never a “flight risk” or a “threat to society.” It’s not like Joe was scamming elderly people or allegedly misappropriating funds from plane crash victims. She added, “I just feel like that if that whole aspect of it can get reevaluated, that maybe he could have a chance of coming back temporarily here and there.”

Although Gia’s got some big goals for her career, she is surprisingly grounded in discussing her future plans. It’s something you don’t often see in kids who grew up on reality TV. She shared that she plans to head to law school after graduation from Rutgers this spring. Plus, she’s already got another internship lined up with a human relations law firm. So if Joe can hold on for a few more years in the Bahamas, Gia might really be able to make some change.


[Photo Credit: Charles Sykes/Bravo]