Married at First Sight
Photo Credit: Lifetime

Married At First Sight Recap: Reunion Part 1

This season of Married At First Sight has been a complete roller coaster of emotions. It’s been five months since the cameras stopped rolling on decision day. Was I the only one sitting on the edge of my seat? Let me just say this reunion didn’t disappoint. I don’t know if some of the participants had some liquid courage or feuds behinds the scenes, but the tension was THICK!

Emotions run deep as the San Diego couples reunite to reveal secrets and surprising updates.  They relive romantic, hilarious and dramatic moments.  Two cast members come to a tense showdown over shocking allegations. Let’s get straight to the recap.

Stacia and Nate

Stacia and Nate are still together. The only catch is they still have all the same issues they had all season. I don’t think anyone is surprised by that revelation. Despite their issues, they feel confident they will eventually be able to work through things together. Nate has even told his wife he loves her and they now say it daily. But they aren’t living in just one home yet. He still has eight months on the lease to his apartment. So they have been alternating between homes every few weeks. He admits he is still not totally comfortable living solely in Stacia’s home. I truly hope these two find their footing, but I have to admit I won’t be shocked if that doesn’t happen.

Alexis and Justin

Justin finally found his voice and he used it to tell Nate and everyone else on the cast how he really feels about them. Apparently, Justin unfollowed the majority of the cast. Things get tense when Justin calls Nate fake. Nate gets defensive and says Justin was too needy and a crybaby. Well… he isn’t lying about that. Out of nowhere, Justin alleges that Nate made multiple passes at him. Whatttttt? Nate admits he complimented him and says he is secure in his manhood. What the hell is going on? All I know is that this is not the tea I was expecting, but nonetheless it’s still sweet. Justin has to take a break because a screaming match ensues and things almost get physical. Surprisingly, Alexis is very supportive.

Justin and Alexis are still not together. Although they seemed amicable throughout the reunion, tensions rise during their segment. They seem to have different stories about what took place after the cameras stopped rolling. Justin claims he broke things off which Alexis adamantly denies. The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle, but you never know with this couple.


Lindy and Miguel

Lindy and Miguel probably had one of the most tumultuous relationships, this season. But somehow someway they have managed to stay married through it all. They both credit compromise and getting to know each other better as the key to their relationship. Lindy moved into Miguel’s home and has been enjoying decorating. She has even hyphenated their last names, after initially being against it.


Krysten and Mitch

Krysten and Mitch are in the same place we left them on decision day. Both are amicable with one another, but they won’t be reuniting. As much as Krysten wants to make it seem as if their decision was confusing, I thought Mitch was clear. Although they shared good times, I don’t think he was ever all in with her. After telling Krysten he wasn’t attracted to her early in their marriage, things never fully got on track. Even Krysten admits she never felt like Mitch truly wanted to be married or appreciate her.

Morgan & Binh

Morgan reappears on the show to set the record straight for the millionth time. She is a nurse and has been for three years. Sigh! I can’t be the only one tired of hearing this nonsense. Binh apologized several times to no avail. Even at the reunion she still can’t see the error of her ways. But Binh has realized he wasn’t ready to be married and had things to work on within himself. A month after the show ended, they went to brunch and Morgan finally accepted his apology. Since the show, they both have focused on traveling  and their careers.


[Photo Credit: Lifetime]


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