Southern Charm Naomie Olindo

Naomie Olindo Doesn’t Think Cameran Eubanks Or Chelsea Meissner Will Return To Southern Charm

Naomie Olindo triumphantly returned to Southern Charm, and didn’t miss a beat getting right in on all the drama.  The Season 8 premiere seemed to pick up right where she left off in terms of feuding with Kathryn Dennis.  But Naomie seems to be slated as the new queen bee in town, what with the storyline of her Vegas hook up with ex-Craig Conover taking center stage.  Even Madison LeCroy was oddly placed, appearing only in the final minutes just to make Austen Kroll sweat in front of his new date.

Kathryn is still the nemesis, and again on the outs with the ladies of the group.  Leva Bonaparte returned as a mother hen of sorts to Naomie, but the rest of the ladies are all newbies.

Indeed, there was a mass exodus of sorts that happened before Season 7.  Kathryn’s role in spreading rumors of infidelity in Cameran Eubank’s marriage was the suspected catalyst for Cameran, Naomie, and Chelsea Meissner leaving the show.

But Naomie’s return brings up the question that maybe the other ladies would consider returning as well.  She would certainly be on board for that, but told People that it would be unlikely for Chelsea or Cameran to rejoin the cast.

“I really missed both of them this year, and wish they’d film again, but they’re just so passed the point where they would ever want to come back,” Naomie said.

Naomie explained, “Cameran’s got a family and Chelsea’s doing so many other things, I just don’t think it’s in the cards for them. I love them so much and still see them all the time; we definitely stay in touch. You just won’t see that on TV. It stinks cause they’re the best. They’re both so levelheaded and normal! I needed them!”

Despite the ladies being such good friends off camera, they did not exit in a show of solidarity for Cameran.  Since leaving, the Southern Charm original has denied the infidelity rumors had anything to do with her quitting.

“My decision was made and given to Bravo months ago and had absolutely nothing to do with ridiculous and fake rumors about my marriage,” Cameran posted to Instagram. “Please disregard any fabricated rumor. It’s a ploy for ratings and that’s it.”

Chelsea and Naomie responded to Cameran’s post at the time.  The former Southern Charm star reposted Naomie’s note which read, “I am so damn proud of you and us, Chelsea.”

Perhaps Cameran and Chelsea have other reality TV projects in the works?  Indeed, the duo both appeared on prior shows.  Cameran was on The Real World: San Diego, and MTV’s The Challenge.  Chelsea competed on Survivor’s 24th season before landing a guest spot on Southern Charm Season 3.  By Seasons 5 and 6, she was a full-time cast member.

As for Naomie, she followed a three year relationship to New York City, only to find that her ex-boyfriend Metul Shah was cheating on her.  After the break-up, she returned to Charleston, rekindled some friendships, and landed herself a role back on Southern Charm.
“I was sort of in a different place,” Naomie said of the transition back. “I was like, ‘I’m back in town. I don’t know what to do. And I’m not sure where to go from here.”

Off-screen friends Venita Aspen and Leva helped Naomie find her footing, and her story line on the show.  Naomie revealed, “Venita and I went to high school together, she was a year below me, so we’ve known one another for 15 years. And Leva, I actually almost launched a business together with her! We met her through Craig years and years ago and we quickly realized, ‘Okay, we’re not going to work together but we’re going to be best friends!’ I’ve really loved her since. She’s been such a supportive friend for such a long time.”

And it’s clear that this season, Naomie will be the one to take on Kathryn.  Their volatile confrontation at the season premiere party is just the beginning.  Naomie recalled the fight with surprise.  “I actually was not even aware that she was still upset, of that it was still relevant, because it’s been so long,” Naomie said.  “But it’s sort of like hitting pause on something and then coming back months and months and months later. Nothing was really changed. It was like frozen in time, really.”

Naomie takes pride in reliving the break-up with Metul and her emotional journey returning to Charleston. She concluded, “I hope people watching will see, you can sort of start over in life. And it may be embarrassing sometimes and not flattering and you may have to relearn some stuff, but in the end, you can take your life in a different direction.”


[Photo Credit: Bravo]