Adrienne Maloof has lunch with Kyle on RHOBH

Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills Alum Adrienne Maloof Works With Congress To Hopefully End School Shootings

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, Adrienne Maloof was on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Mega-rich and formerly married to Dr. Paul Nassif, Adrienne lived across the street from another departed Beverly Hills castmate, Lisa Vanderpump. While on the show, fans watched Paul and Adrienne navigate their marriage through a series of thinly veiled insults and exasperated eye rolls. It was a surprise to no one when the couple eventually divorced.

In 2013, Adrienne either quit or got fired from RHOBH. If you ask Adrienne, she left because of Brandi Glanville. Brandi spilled some sacred beans regarding the birth of Adrienne’s children. Instead of arranging Brandi’s “disappearance”, Adrienne made herself disappear, which enraged Big Daddy Andy Cohen. When Adrienne bailed on a reunion taping, Andy famously bailed on Adrienne. But she has gone onto bigger and better things. Over the years, Adrienne has lent her name to various charities and philanthropic efforts. Now she is tackling a worthy cause that puts fear into any parent sending their child to get an education. Adrienne is going after guns in our schools. Hell yes, let’s see what she can do.

Gun violence is a subject that is extremely sensitive to most people. Firearms in schools is an epidemic that desperately needs to be addressed. Full disclosure, I have two boys in middle school and not a week goes by where I don’t mentally plan the moves I would make in the event my children’s school is the site of a firearm incident. Our kids go through shooter drills and are required to “find safe spaces” to hide. Little ones are warned to keep quiet and not scream, cry, or act out if shit hits the fan during school hours. At the risk of being inappropriate, I will say it fucking sucks and no one seems to be tackling the issue. Apparently, Adrienne is feeling some type of way as well, and she wants to do something about it.

According to Page Six, Adrienne has some ideas and she’s trying to get Congress on board. While at BravoCon, Adrienne said the following, “I have a new philanthropic job that I’ve created for school shootings, so I’ve been working with Congress on getting that passed,” she shared. It might not be the answer, but at least it’s something. Trust me, concerned parents would take “something” at this point. Parents of children that have been killed or wounded on school property are still wondering what the hell is taking so long.

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Adrienne went into detail about her idea, “We’ve had so many massive school shootings … I finally came up with a solution. It isn’t the answer, but it’s a solution for buying time and saving children and saving people at big events by using K9s and their handlers to sniff out ammunition and gunpowder. It’d be similar to what they do at the airport but surrounding schools and big events.” Honestly, I’m not mad at any effort made towards stopping gun violence in our schools and with kids in general. This isn’t business, it’s personal.

Adrienne is hoping her past role on RHOBH will help in the attempt to move forward with her concept. She said, “I was reluctant [to join the RHOBH cast] because you’re putting your whole life out there … but then I thought, ‘I see it for what it is. I see how it can help philanthropic work.'” Adrienne continued, “Let’s face it, Bravo does an amazing job internationally with their marketing, so as a businesswoman, I saw it for what it was and took a leap of faith.”

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This post is not meant to be amusing. There is no shandy snark involved. No feeble attempts at humor have been made, because this is a serious issue. When celebrities do anything to assist in crisis management, it is almost always a good thing. LVP is saving the animals. Bethenny Frankel has basically become a financial first responder when natural tragedies occur. Now we have Adrienne going after guns in our schools. As a mom who never wants to get the call about her kid(s) being shot, it’s reassuring when the issue is at least being addressed. Best of luck to Adrienne.


[Photo Credit: Bravo]