Married At First Sight Recap- Where is My Husband?

This week’s episode of Married At First Sight was the friends and family episode. The couples attempted to merge their lives by inviting their loved ones to their new homes. Things get pretty dramatic when two men decide to exit stage left from their marriages. Another couple realizes one may be a lot more territorial and unwilling to share than the other. Things heat up on this Married At First Sight episode and the season got a lot more interesting. Living together has its perks… until each person’s bad habits start to rear their ugly heads. Nonetheless, I personally was thoroughly entertained by this episode.

The wives and husbands meet up separately to discuss their marriages. Amber Bowles is still whining about Matt Gwynne’s desire to utilize the second bathroom. When Iris Caldwell reveals that she and Keith Manley use separate bathrooms, Amber realizes she may have overreacted. Duh! If I only knew a man five days, I would be elated if he went into a second bathroom. Hell, if I knew if for years, I’d like my own private bathroom. Iris reveals how naive and inexperienced she is when she tells the ladies how upset she got about Keith’s condoms.  Girl, grow up. The man lived a whole life before he was surprised with a virgin wife. The fact that he practiced safe sex should at least put you at ease.

Married At First Sight Recap-Where is My Husband

Deonna McNeill surprises her husband with a birthday cookie cake. Greg Okotie is shocked that she remembered his birthday after knowing each other for a short period of time. Frankly, I’m shocked as well. Deonna starts to break down her walls and share more about herself. She actually confesses how much she likes Greg. She is willing work on their intimacy. Greg is clearly sexually frustrated! I don’t think it helped that she told him that she has had relationships where she didn’t wait to have sex. But I did take it as a good sign that she appears more comfortable with her husband.

Keith reveals that his grandmother been declining in health since their wedding and now is in the hospital. He invites his new wife to join him in when he goes to the hospital. I love that Iris is being supportive and wants to help create a peaceful environment while he is going through a difficult time. I also think that including Iris during such a serious time for his family shows that he takes his marriage seriously.

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Married At First Sight Recap-Where is My Husband

Amber and Matt are headed to her aunt’s house for a family dinner when another red flag was waved. Once again, Amber brings up the topic of kids. Matt doesn’t want to have them for another five to eight years. Amber immediately gets upset and defensive that their time frames don’t align. Matt states that he is scared to be tied to the mother of the child. WTH! This is key…I hope everyone is reading between the lines. The mother of the child? Hmmm… I thought you guys were married, yet he is describing it as if he was only going to deal with a baby mama. This only another sign this man has no intention of truly settling down long term. Matt is giving all types of transient tea!

Married At First Sight Recap-Where is My Husband

Upon arriving, Amber immediately catches up with her twin. It’s clear that she has high expectations, despite only knowing her husband for two weeks. People evolve as a relationship grows. No one has the perfect marriage overnight. I don’t know if she has watched too many Hallmark movies or what. But in real life, people don’t always see things the same way, initially.

Married At First Sight Recap-Where is My Husband

Elizabeth Bice and Jamie Thompson have their parents over for a housewarming event. Elizabeth becomes extremely overwhelmed and uncomfortable when she is interrogated in front of an audience. You can tell when she talks about working for her dad that Jamie and his parents pass a little judgment. Given that the two have had several fights already it’s only a matter of time before that comes up again.

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Married At First Sight Recap-Where is My Husband

Deonna plans a small gathering for Greg’s birthday with their friends. I love how comfortable everyone seems and they are having a great time. Even her friends notice a difference in Deonna and her attitude.  Yay! Deonna, stay the course and you just may keep your man! Greg, just may get some action tonight. Yea, who am I kidding, Greg you will get a kiss… maybe

Married At First Sight Recap-Where is My Husband

Iris and Keith have a party for friends and family at their new home. The couple is sharing stories and everyone is enjoying themselves. That is until Iris discovers that Keith’s brother went into their refrigerator and is helping himself to HER lemonade. SMH…. Really, girl, you do know that there isn’t a lemonade shortage, right. I agree, you should have been asked before someone went into your refrigerator. But Keith has lived alone for a long time, his brother is probably accustomed to just helping himself.

Married At First Sight Recap-Where is My Husband

Iris, all you had to do is have a private talk with your husband about your preferences, later. It wasn’t that big of a deal.  If his brother asked in front of everyone, were you going to say no? Iris ia visibly annoyed and tells everyone they have a two-drink limit. Huh? Girl, you are too young to be so rigid and uncompromising. Damn!

Loosen up or you may lose someone who seems to be a good guy. He is already sexually frustrated and deals with your incessant talking. Let’s not add “selfish” and “uptight” to the list this early. You are tripping about some lemonade, really. I’m sure Keith would have had no problem grabbing more from the store. SMH…

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Married At First Sight Recap-Where is My Husband

Jamie and Elizabeth relax on the couch and immediately Elizabeth starts asking invasive questions. She inquires about his dad’s current marriage and why his parents got divorced. Jaime is extremely offended because she knew it was a hurtful topic and chose to bring it up anyway. He immediately goes into attack mode and starts questioning her about her job. He said some pretty insulting things about her not finishing college and the fact that she is only working for her dad. Whoa!

Married At First Sight Recap-Where is My Husband

Iris and Keith get into an argument after their party. All of this over some juice. LMAO!  I can’t even type that without laughing. I understand it’s about boundaries for her, but the way she handled it was crazy. Keith feels the complete opposite of his wife. He doesn’t mind his friends helping themselves to food or drinks because they are replaceable.

He believes that because Iris is an only child she doesn’t know how to share with others. I think they both have a point in a way and just need to compromise. If you invite people for a party, you shouldn’t get upset about sharing food with friends and family. But I do think people should ask before taking something. If they merge their perspectives, this can be a simple fix.

Married At First Sight Recap-Where is My Husband

Married At First Sight Recap-Where is My Husband

Whew, Chile. After a tense conversation, Jamie returns with flowers to apologize to Elizabeth. They sit on the couch and Jaime wants to discuss their relationship issues more in-depth. Apparently, he doesn’t like that Elizabeth jokes that she doesn’t think he is attracted to her or they will break up often. The discussion started calmly, but goes left quick.

RELATED: Married At First Sight Recap- Don’t Kiss On First Wedding Night

Elizabeth screams she is sick of him breaking down their relationship and being negative. Jamie begins bringing up everything, but the kitchen sick. He even complains they don’t have sex enough, despite it happening once a day. She even goes as far to say that they only have “basic Caucasian sex”. Ummm… what the hell is that?

Well, according to Elizabeth it’s sex that is “bam, bam done.” I literally died laughing. Jaime decides to pack up his cat and leave. These two have the dumbest most drama-filled fights. If they argue this hard after two weeks, what would happen in a year?

Married At First Sight Recap-Where is My Husband

Amber has a complete emotional breakdown when Matt doesn’t come home. The camera footage shows the time and it seems like he literally has been out of the home for at least 12 hours. He doesn’t answer Amber’s calls or messages. She calls her dad wailing about how she doesn’t feel her husband cares about her. I hate to say it, but I’m not surprised.

RELATED: Married At First Sight Recap- Something Borrowed, Someone New

Matt doesn’t seem as invested in this marriage as Amber in any way, shape or form. The girl is downright needy.  Amber may need counseling to address her fear of abandonment more than this marriage. Girl…. let’s face facts you are not going to get your happily ever after with him. I would have packed up his 3 belongings and put them at the door.

Married At First Sight Recap-Where is My Husband


[Photo Credit: Lifetime]