Russ Mayfield Paola Mayfield 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After

90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After Recap: Judgment Day+ Tell All Part 1

90 Day Fiancé Happily Ever After Recap: Judgment Day+ Tell All Part 1

On last night’s episode of  90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After, viewers got an hour of crazy from Larissa Dos Santos Lima, and  Colt Johnson . Then in the second hour, all hell breaks loose at the Tell All.  Cast members are at odds and marriages are tested all in the name of television. I love it! This three-ring circus is all over the place. TLC pulls out all the video receipts in case anyone missed reasons to break up. SMH… get your popcorn and let’s get petty!

Larissa has found another person to foot her bills. She has been living with a friend since she left her husband. Colt and his handler Debbie Johnson talk to a lawyer about Larissa and her demands for alimony. They also discuss the upcoming trial and possible outcomes. It’s clear Debbie isn’t going to let Larissa take one red cent of THEIR money.  Don’t get me wrong, I know Larissa is crazy. But I almost feel like Colt and Debbie kept calling the police as a form of control. Debbie isn’t playing around. She wants to make sure Larissa gets deported.

90 Day Fiancé Happily Ever After Recap: Judgment Day+ Tell All Part 1

Larissa goes on a date with her young and goofy looking boyfriend, Eric. He picks her up and presents her with flowers. Although he is a little weird, anyone is an upgrade from Colt. The two met online and have been dating for two months. Apparently, Larissa’s boo with the creepy smile is only 26 years old. She hasn’t told him everything about her trial or possible deportation yet.

Larissa goes to see her lawyer about her upcoming trial. He worries about her apparent history of domestic violence. Larissa claims Colt left her destitute with only just $38.The lawyer also questions why Colt wasn’t arrested when the police came to the house. In Larissa’s two previous cases, Colt didn’t show up to testify, so they were dismissed.  But this time, we know the Colt and his mother will be there with bells on.  If convicted, Larissa is facing possible jail time and/or fines. Due to her immigration status, a conviction may result in deportation.

RELATED: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After Star Ashley Martson Attempts Damage Control; Admits Marrying Jay Smith Was A Mistake

90 Day Fiancé Happily Ever After Recap: Judgment Day+ Tell All Part 1

Larissa‘s trial is in a few days. She texts Colt and tells him she still loves him and wants to be with him. Of course, Colt has to consult with his momager, Debbie. Debbie sees the text as an obvious money grab and a way to manipulate Colt into dropping the charges. Colt is confused and now unsure if he should pursue charges. Debbie doesn’t care what Colt says. She is going to testify no matter what. Larissa doesn’t want Colt back. She must need some money. In contrast, there is nothing that they could offer me to go to that house of horrors.

90 Day Fiancé Happily Ever After Recap: Judgment Day+ Tell All Part 1

Larissa invites her new victim boyfriend, Eric over to finally come clean about her upcoming trial. He is shocked to find out she was arrested 3 times for domestic violence and may be deported.  He just better hope she doesn’t destroy his property or b$%&* slap him one day. Nonetheless, he decides to stand by his woman. Is this just me or does the boyfriend have the voice of a serial killer on a Lifetime movie? Maybe both of them should be scared of each other. Insert side-eye emoji.

RELATED: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After Recap: Change of Heart

90 Day Fiancé Happily Ever After Recap: Judgment Day+ Tell All Part 1

It’s the day of the trial and Larissa is patiently awaiting word of her fate. She was advised by her lawyer not to show up to court, so she isn’t taken into custody by ICE. Ummm… can a lawyer advise their client on how to evade deportation? Debbie and Colt definitely show up to face the judge. But much to their dismay, Larissa is granted 60 additional days to work on her case. Debbie and Colt are frustrated because Larissa has evaded a conviction yet again. Larissa’s attorney is working on a plea deal to lessen the charges to something that won’t get her deported. Debbie is a lot angrier than Colt about the situation. She wants Colt to be able to finally move on….with just her and the cats. SMH….

It’s the day of the TELL ALL and Colt reveals he filed for divorce. Larissa eventually signed and agreed to no alimony. Girl… you need a better lawyer. If you had to play Colt’s blow-up doll that long, you are owed something. Colt and Larissa haven’t seen one another for many months, so this should be interesting. Pedro Jimeno and Chantel Everett show up to set already arguing. They both know the reunion will only reveal more secrets. Ashley Martson finally admits Jay Smith is young and she is dumb. That is probably the most truthful comment she has made this season. Let the games begin!

RELATED: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After Star Jay Smith Might Get Deported; Larissa Dos Santos Lima & Fernanda Flores React

90 Day Fiancé Happily Ever After Recap: Judgment Day+ Tell All Part 1

arrives sporting a shorter hairdo and still lying and thinking we can’t see straight through her delusion. Pedro jokes with Colt that divorce will make him happy. Chantel then says what most of us think… Colt loves his mom more than he ever loved his wife. He promptly tells her to shut the F up. Umm… Pedro, are you going to let this marshmallow talk to your wife like that? Pedro tries to interject, but Chantel jumps up and tells Colt not to talk to her. Yea, she is better than me. Maybe it wasn’t Chantel’s business, but Colt DESERVES to be told off. Colt would have needed therapy after I was done breaking him down. He is literally the easiest read on the show.

90 Day Fiancé Happily Ever After Recap: Judgment Day+ Tell All Part 1

90 Day Fiancé Happily Ever After Recap: Judgment Day+ Tell All Part 1

Chantel storms into the hallway and demands to be far away from Colt. Larissa must have already given producers that memo because she is in another room. She has also brought a surprise guest, her boyfriend. This should be GOOD! Everyone is on stage, except for Jay, who decides to show up last minute. He sits on another couch far away from Ashley. Turns out, Larissa isn’t in the studio, but is on a screen on video chat. The host senses the tension and asks what happened. Ashley and Chantel immediately call out Colt. Colt thinks it’s funny Chantel calls him a mamma’s boy, when her family runs her life too. BLOOP! Well…. Colt didn’t lie about that.

RELATED: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After Recap: Kicked To The Curb

90 Day Fiancé Happily Ever After Recap: Judgment Day+ Tell All Part 1

Ashley reveals she and Jay are getting divorced for the 500th time. We last saw them attempting to work things out when she was sick. Ashley claims Jay cheated again and that is why they are no longer together. Jay counters that she was talking to her ex, so he started talking to another girl. Ughhhh… why do these fools keep dragging this out?  We don’t care! Paola Mayfield has the nerve to call Jay disgusting. Isn’t this the same woman who treats her husband,  Russ Mayfield, like crap on national TV every week? Yea, pipe down, Paola!

Everyone knows this is a toxic relationship that should end. We no longer care about Ashley or Jay. Fix it, TLC! Please vote them off the island. I can’t watch this girl play victim any longer. I can’t believe some of the cast are acting like Jay is the only issue in that relationship. These people are nuts. SMH…

90 Day Fiancé Happily Ever After Recap: Judgment Day+ Tell All Part 1

Chantel and Pedro begin to argue about the infamous family dinner that ended in a brawl. Chantel will barely let Pedro get two words out. Then as if things weren’t heated enough, they play the dirty dancing scene. Here come the waterworks from Chantel. She isn’t happy he was dancing with a “ho”. Wow, TLC must really want to break these two up. The next blow comes when they bring the Family Chantel on the screen. Pedro storms out of the room refusing to speak to his in-laws. Did he really believe TLC wouldn’t torture him during the 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After Tell-All? Now if they could apply the same pressure to Nicole and , we might get somewhere!

RELATED: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After Star Ashley Martson Reacts To Jay Smith’s Pending Deportation; Regrets Televised Fight

90 Day Fiancé Happily Ever After Recap: Judgment Day+ Tell All Part 1

90 Day Fiancé Happily Ever After Recap: Judgment Day+ Tell All Part 1

Pedro finally returns to the set and is clearly distressed. Chantel‘s mother claims she only confronts issues and Pedro needs to grow up. Ugh… I’m sick of The Family Chantel; they are the epitome of hypocrisy. They are upset that Pedro’s family doesn’t care for Chantel, but don’t see the issue with how they treat Pedro. Honestly, Chantel is being enabled by her family. It’s crazy how everyone on the set can see the issue, but Chantel cannot.  I wish Pedro spoke better English. I think Chantel uses the fact that he can’t communicate as well to her advantage on the show. Girl, when you drive your man away there will be plenty of women who will take him. Then her family will continue to live their lives and maybe Chantel will finally realize her part in all of this. Chile, grow up!

RELATED: 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After Star Jay Smith Facing Deportation After Arrest For Probation Violation


[Photo Credit: TLC]