Captain Sandy Yawn - Below Deck Mediterranean

Crew Changes Cause Massive Chaos On Tonight’s Below Deck Mediterranean

Tonight on Below Deck Mediterranean there’s a crew shakeup that will leave everyone reeling (I don’t think I need to bother with a spoiler alert since this is so obvious!)

After another disastrous charter from chef Mila Kolomeitseva, the time has come for Captain Sandy Yawn to do something drastic. With less than 24 hours before the new guests come on board Anastasia Surmava is thrown into the frying pan. Literally. Can she hack it? Or is it Mila 2.0?

RELATED: Catch Up On Last Week’s Below Deck Mediterranean Recap: Falling Flat, Again & Again

Since Anastasia isn’t actually a chef and has no formal training, Sandy also comes up with the brilliant idea to move one of the deckhands into the galley as Anastasia’s second in command, but leaving both the interior AND the deck crew one man down leads to disastrous consequences when weather forces a last-minute midnight boat moving.

The new charter guests also come with some peculiar demands. One of them has plans to shoot a music video on board the Sirocco and requests the assistance of the already-overloaded crew.

Jack Stirrup and Aesha Scott escalate their non-stop flirting with a raunchy night out and Jack starts to develops feelings for her, despite Joao Franco‘s warnings against getting involved on board. Meanwhile, Joao starts to crack under the pressure of his increased workload. Meanwhile, Sandy scrambles to manage both the ever-changing weather and the ever-changing chefs!

RELATED: Captain Sandy Yawn Said She Wouldn’t Have Fired Chef Mila Kolomeitseva If She Knew About Homophobic Comments While Filming Below Deck Mediterranean

Lastly, exhausted and missing mommy overwhelmed, Colin Macy-O’Toole gets all tangled up in an un-oiled anchor chain which could leave the Sirocco stranded if the problem isn’t solved. Oops.

Watch Below Deck Mediterranean tonight at 9 PM on Bravo. Comment throughout the episode on this post. Tweet us with your thoughts. Follow us on Instagram. Like our page on Facebook. Check our site tomorrow for our Below Deck Mediterranean episode recap.


[Photo Credit: Bravo]