Teen Mom 2 Recap – Season 8 Episode 12: Another Day, Another Custody Issue


Last night, we all got treated to a bonus episode of Teen Mom 2 and if you happened to miss it, I’m here to give you all the details on what went down.

Kailyn Lowry has waited six long years but she is finally finished with school! As much as she wants to focus on that achievement, Jo has a focus of his own and that’s getting 50/50 custody of Isaac in place. He calls his dad and explain that he tried to talk to Kail about the whole thing first but since she didn’t react well to that and refused to hear him out, he had no choice but to file papers with his lawyer. His dad hopes that it will be resolved before they even get to court but Jo doesn’t look so sure.

Kail takes both Isaac and Lincoln to her last class with her and they play quietly while she finishes up. On her drive home, it hits her that this is all over and she will soon be walking across the graduation stage. You all know I’m not the biggest Kail fan but I have to hand it to her – she did it and it took determination so congrats to her on a job well done!


Chelsea DeBoer’s worries about the state of Adam Lind’s drug issues are getting worse. After Aubree spent Father’s Day with him and Chelsea comes across a clip from Teen Mom OG where one of the ex’s drug issues cause him to fall asleep behind the wheel and swerve while filming, she’s on edge about Aubree being with Adam at all. The clip from Teen Mom OG looks all too familiar to her and with Aubree saying that all Adam does is sleep when she comes over, it hits both Chelsea and Cole hard. She thinks the best course of action at this point is to talk to her lawyer and make sure that there is an iron-clad agreement about Adam not taking her in the car. Despite the most recent order that Adam can only see Aubree while supervised by his parents, it’s still not enough assurance of safety for Chelsea and I can’t blame her for wanting to have every possible safeguard against him being alone with her.


Briana DeJesus is getting some safeguards of her own and after six years of not much help, she is filing for child support from Devoin. He comes over to sign the documents and provide her with his information, all without issue. Briana is thankful he isn’t fighting her on it and he even agrees to get a notarized letter to establish paternity so they don’t have to do any formal testing. With Briana’s new baby coming any day now, she is starting to realize how much it will all cost and figures it’s highly likely she will have to take Luis to court for child support too.


At her next doctor’s appointment, Luis shows up again, along with Briana’s friend, Shirley. When Briana goes back for part of her exam, Shirley tells Luis that he needs to step up and be more supportive, even if he can’t physically be there in the beginning. She reminds Luis that he has to pay for things too and it’s not all on Briana. He tells her that he has a lot of pressure happening in his life and she fires back that he shouldn’t wait to be asked for money for diapers and whatever the baby needs. Luis doesn’t say much but he doesn’t argue either.

In the car on the way home, Shirley tells Briana about their conversation and Briana isn’t impressed. She says whatever Luis has to say goes in one ear and out the other since he has no follow through. She sees that he’s just another Devoin and knows that they have a bumpy road ahead.


Leah Messer is dealing with Addie missing her dad and it’s getting worse. When Leah drops Ali off with Corey Simms, Addie cries the whole way home about how she misses her dad and wants to see him.


Later, Leah calls Jeremey Calvert to tell him about it and he says his family is going to go on vacation in Myrtle Beach and he can surprise Addie there. This makes Leah happy but she also wants him to understand that he has to see her regularly and not just surprises here and there since Addie needs stability. Jeremy agrees and back in Pittsburgh for work, he tells a friend over lunch how hard it’s been taking so much crap for not being at home with his daughter more. He wants people to understand there isn’t a big job market in West Virginia and he works out of state because he has a better opportunity to provide for her.

In Myrtle Beach, Jeremy calls his mom to meet him down on the beach so he can follow through with his surprise. When he walks up to Addie and she realizes he’s there, it’s such a sweet moment and she is thrilled to see her dad.


Jenelle Evans is picking up Jace for the first time since the new custody arrangement with mom Barbara Evans went into place and she’s excited to spend time with him all weekend. Once he gets in the car, she is quick to tell him that she wanted to spend more time with him but Meme wouldn’t let her then tells him how she’s going to take him on vacation. Of course he is excited, but lilts a little when she says David Eason will be there. Jenelle is quick to ask Jace if he likes David since he told the counselor that he was scared of him. Jace says that he does like him, didn’t tell the counselor that and Jenelle is appeased.

Back home, Jenelle relays the conversation to David and they talk about how happy they are that they don’t have to ask Barb’s permission to take Jace somewhere, thanks to the new agreement. At least they are looking on the bright side. As the weekend wears on, Jenelle is having a good time spending quality time with Jace and is sad he has to go back to Barbara at all.

At the designated drop off spot at the end of the weekend, Barb is waiting and watching the clock, telling everyone that if Jenelle is late, she will be in contempt of court. As if that wasn’t bad enough to show the state of where Barb’s head is at with all this, the second Jenelle shows up and they start talking, it turns into an argument about who has Jace the weekend he is done with school. Jenelle insists she gets him on the day he’s done and Barb insists she gets him that weekend. Jenelle tells her to go and talk to her lawyer about it and despite the latest agreement that’s supposed to make all this easier, it doesn’t look like it will be anytime soon.


Photo Credit: MTV