Bethenny Frankel

Bethenny Frankel Says She’s In “Dating Purgatory” & Women Don’t Need A Man To Be Happy

For the most part, Bethenny Frankel has been an open book ever since she joined the Real Housewives of New York cast. Although most of that publicity helped elevate her brand and has made her a shit ton of money, that doesn’t mean her life is perfect. In fact, we’ve all seen Bethenny‘s many highs and lows when it comes to dating.

Bethenny had no qualms about putting her relationship and marriage with Jason Hoppy on reality television, but now she has a different approach when it comes to her post-divorce dating. She is trying to be more private these days and she wants to emphasize to all of her fans that being in a relationship does not complete a person.


Bethenny opened up about her current dating life in an interview with Entertainment Tonight. Bethenny has always had a way with words, so it’s not surprising that she boldly proclaimed, “I am kind of in purgatory right now.”

Bethenny revealed, “I have been dating but I have pulled back a little bit.”

That’s definitely true. Bethenny hardly ever talks about her own life on the show anymore. All of her commentary is used to promote her businesses or to share her opinions about the other women’s decisions.

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I don’t blame Bethenny for taking a different approach though. Opening up her marriage did not go very well for her – at all.

Bethenny lamented, “I am not in a place where I want everything to be rushed, and I don’t want the big white dress, and someone to rush me down the aisle.” I mean, yeah. The ink on her ridiculously long divorce proceedings is barely dry. I can’t imagine anyone would want to get married right after that.

Bethenny explained why she doesn’t want to have another romantic relationship in the spotlight. Bethenny said, “Because what happens when you are in the public, and you date? Everyone is like, ‘She is happy she found love again, she is the happiest she has ever been.'”

I agree with Bethenny when she declared, “We are not living in the Jerry Macguire movie and no man is going to complete me. I complete myself.” No one should need another person to feel whole. Who would want to date half a person or be half a person? Preach, Bethenny.

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In another interview with Entertainment Tonight, Bethenny explained, “I think that it’s empowering to be self-sufficient. I think that it’s my job to really tell women to not be dependent on a man and to go get your own.” This is the one rant of Bethenny’s that I find myself wholeheartedly agreeing with so far.

Bethenny made sure to let us know that she’s not a hater since she stressed that she doesn’t believe there is “anything wrong with marriage or being a partner with someone.” Bethenny just thinks that “women have to have their own lives and their own jobs.” Well, she is definitely leading by example with that thought.


[Photo Credit: Charles Sykes/Bravo]