Jenelle Evans baby daddy David Eason sentenced to 60 days in jail

Jenelle Evans Baby Daddy David Eason Sentenced To 60 Days In Jail!

Well, well, who’s surprised that Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans gets to add to the family mugshot collection? Honestly, it oughtta be a coffee table book at this point. This time the culprit is Jenelle’s baby daddy David Eason, who has been sentenced to 60 days in jail for violating a protective order against his ex-girlfriend and child.

In March, David, who has a criminal record and previously served time in prison, violated a no contact domestic violence protection order regarding his son Kaden. The order was filed last October by Kaden’s mother, David‘s ex, who he’s also not permitted contact with.


Per the report, obtained by Us Weekly: “Defendant was in the same location as his child … who was out with his grandmother … and aunt, when defendant approached same and hugged. [He] was told not to … and grabbed the child again.” The incident occurred in a grocery store. I am assuming David followed them into the store and this wasn’t a random encounter?

David pleaded not guilty, but the judge disagreed and sentenced him to 60 days in jail. David appealed, but no court date has been set.

Well this is good timing – Jenelle is currently pregnant with her third child, a daughter she and David plan to name Ensley. Jenelle is due in January, so hopefully his jail time won’t interfere with the birth. If they’re even still together by then.

The Teen Mom 2 star defended David on Twitter, blaming Kaden’s mom and the judge. Because, accountability – what’s that?! Jenelle said David appealed the ‘no contact’ order, but uhhhh… good luck with that, Violator!

“This is old news. LOL. He appealed the decisions in regular court and waiting on a court date. He does not have to do 60 days,” Jenelle tweeted, as reported by The Ashley.

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“The no contact order expires Oct. 22nd then he will be filing for visitation for his son that his ex is refusing to let David see,” Jenelle continued. “The judge found him guilty saying ‘an unwanted hug is a form of child abuse’, same judge that granted the no contact order and that wrote up his custody papers when he had no way to even fight against his ex, the judge even knew this. She hates David.”

Jenelle also whined that the judge was dismissive of David in court and refused to listen to his side of the story – even though David was represented by super attorney Dustin Sullivan!

Jenelle should be accustomed to her baby daddies disappearing behind bars. She’s had plenty of experience with that courtesy of Nathan Griffith. Of course Jenelle is no angel herself. <snicker> She’s also no stranger to custody drama.

In addition to Kaden, David is also the father of a daughter named Maryssa, who appears on Teen Mom 2. Jenelle has complained endlessly about the unfairness of creepy Uncle Dave‘s custody woes with Kaden, and insists he’s a good dad. I guess this jail time isn’t gonna bode well for changing the judge’s mind. Jenelle and David have been together for a year.


[Photo Credit: Instagram]