Bethenny Frankel On The RHONY Reunion: “I Can’t Believe The Lies That Happened” – Talks Drugs, Lawsuits, Sex, More

Bethenny Frankel had Carole Radziwill on her radio show again last week. The two Real Housewives of New York co-stars broadcast B Real with Bethenny from the Hamptons. They dished on everything from Carole’s sex life with Adam Kenworthy, the BRUTAL Real Housewives of New York reunion coming up and they gossiped about their co-stars – lawsuits, drugs and more!

Bethenny has a caller on the line named Sonja from Florida, so she cracks that it can’t be Sonja Morgan because she’s in Thailand,”or one of those places that people in bankruptcy go often.”

Bethenny then shares “We just had our reunion and I think I might be joining Bernie Madoff in a jail cell. I think they might come take me away in an orange jumpsuit. I definitely did not hold back on the reunion.” She remarks that it was disgusting and Carole agrees. Bethenny asks Carole, “on a scale of 1 to 10, how gangster did I get?” Carole says, “you were a 12. I’ve never seen you so – you were OG OMG.” Bethenny jokes, “I texted NeNe and said ‘Sweetie, open your legs to married men because I’m comin’ in.'” Bethenny says she even stood up a few times during the taping because she was that wound up.  “That whore comment that I retracted, I may have had it engraved on Luann’s ass. We didn’t go in the right direction, let’s just put it that way.”  Carole says that Bethenny and Lu had some resolution but then it all reared its ugly head again.

Bethenny jokes that she’s going to be Luann’s maid of honor. But she does think that Carole and Adam will be invited to the wedding and makes her a bet for $100. Carole agrees that they’ll all be invited if it’s a “for TV” thing.

Bethenny asks Carole for her thoughts on how the reunion filming went. “I just felt like – this is my fourth reunion and this one more than even last year when Luann was saying such bullshit about me – I left this reunion feeling gross.”  Carole says she went home and showered to wash it all off.

Bethenny says that she felt drained and disgusting for a week afterward. She then shares her thoughts on her castmates at the taping: “Sonja was Sonja with a side of sanity. Ramona was just Ramona, she’s fine. Dorinda did well and got away with a little bit of murder in my opinion. Luann held her cool and just sat there and let it wash over her because that’s really worked well for her. And I was… something happened at the reunion that set me off to the point that I saw red and did not come out of the flames for the whole entire day. I was on fire.” She says they went to lunch and she felt like it had been a little boring and mellow up to that point but then after lunch all hell breaks loose.  “I was lit up.”

Carole chimes in, “It’s hard to sit there and just let some of the other cast say just a load of bullshit.” Bethenny says she can’t believe the lies that happened. “People just make up anything.” Carole says that Luann does that every year, “she just makes up a story.” Bethenny says that it’s pretty bad. “This was bad. I’ve never had anyone accuse me of anything like that. It was bad. We can’t get into what it was, but it was bad.”

Bethenny says that her friendship with Carole was brought up a lot and her co-stars seem to be obsessing over it. Bethenny defends herself, saying that they have a true friendship. They agree that there are alliances on the show and then there are real friendships (like what she and Carole have).  “So the reunion is going to be a little bit of an insane ride,” promises Bethenny. “I definitely took some hits this season. People were messing with my business and I was definitely a pit-bull.” She says, “I thought I’d be calm at the reunion, but I was more of a pit-bull or rottweiler.”

I’m sparing you the deep conversation about masturbation, 69 and such… You’re welcome.

Bethenny then touches on the Sonja/Gloria Allred situation. We haven’t reported this because it involved some highly personal emails that we didn’t want to touch legally – but Bethenny brings it up, so we’ll touch on it. Sonja’s assistant sent some emails to Gloria Allred about the possibility of Sonja bringing suit against Bethenny and, as you can imagine, Bethenny isn’t too happy about it (although Housewives can’t sue each other – at least not castmates).  She’s more angry that they didn’t get to discuss it on the reunion. Bethenny says they’d had a bad day and “a lot of things didn’t get asked and a lot of things didn’t get addressed with certain people and one of the things was this Gloria Allred thing.”

She continues, “Sonja did, through her assistant, who I think used to be Jill Zarin’s assistant or someone..I don’t even know, contacted Gloria Allred and it wasn’t even about Tipsy Girl, it was something about how I was sort of hurting her brand on the show and keeping her out of it.”  Bethenny clarifies that she’s not blaming Andy for not bringing it up at the reunion, but, “I had mentioned it in the past, I had sent it to him. There’s a lot of things that don’t come up and I feel like a letter to Gloria Allred to sue me might be relevant! There’s stuff that’s come up that I’ve documented SINCE the reunion that are pretty crazy about other Housewives. The truth of the matter is as much as I sometimes don’t like acting like a total gangster, I get why I do. If you break down some of the things that have happened regarding my business, regarding things like calling Gloria Allred, I really feel justified. I’m surprised I haven’t grabbed somebody by the throat.”

The next caller asks Carole and Bethenny if they think Luann even watches the show. Bethenny says that Luann washes away previous seasons and she’s like a new virgin again. “We don’t remember banging pirates, banging pool boys, cuddling up to and giving therapy to married men in Turks and Caicos. She says he was crying on her shoulder and I’m like ‘you mean he was crying on your vagina?'” Carole says it’s like a Jedi mind sweep, “but she thinks none of us remember it either.” Bethenny does give credit to Luann, saying she’s a good Housewife because this season what happened in the last three episodes. She says that Ramona is right in calling it “spellbinding.” Carole chimes in that maybe Luann has done too many drugs and can’t remember.  Bethenny says it’s possible, “maybe we should start taking drugs like everyone else. There are a lot of rumors about the narcotics on our show and it is crazy, crazier than any other city, let’s put it that way. We should be living in Aspen with all the snow blowing around here.

Carole then reveals that Adam is going to be on the new episode of Chopped.

A caller asks Bethenny who drank the most at the reunion and who was the most medicated. “I don’t recall that anybody really drank. Ramona may have had some wine at lunch, but she doesn’t overdrink or anything. If anyone was on meds to keep calm..I don’t know. Sonja in the past has taken meds, right or wrong ones I’m not sure. I honestly don’t know what was going on that day. It was a day of best behavior.” She then jokes that she was on the most meds because of her Strepp throat, but she’s not going to blame her illness for how she handled the taping. “I can’t blame the editing and I can’t blame the strepp, this is who I am.”

Bethenny lets a caller through who wants to let her know what a twat she’s being on the show this season. Bethenny does try to explain herself and does admit that she cringes over some of the things that come out of her mouth. She explains that it’s hard because viewers don’t see everything going on off-camera and that she can’t share a lot of it because it could ruin families and things like that. Bethenny also says that she’s sharing it all while some of her co-stars like to pretend they’re starring on Days of Our Lives. “But I know what their ‘other’ life IS.”  She then shares that maybe next season she’ll dial it back and just hang back and smoke some pot and let everyone be whores and do drugs and not call them out on it, “but at this moment in my life on Housewives, I’m callin’ people out. If you don’t like it, change the channel.”

A caller asks Bethenny if she thinks that Luann and Tom will have an open marriage because the caller doesn’t think Luann will be able to stay faithful. “I think they’re very similar creatures. They are really together, I think they are going to get married. I do genuinely want her to be happy. I don’t know him but I hope that he makes her happy.” She says that she thinks it’s possible that the two of them “run a similar game. And I do believe for many people that non-traditional relationships can work.”  She adds, “I’ve known Luann a long time and while she was married and I have said that I think later she has re-marketed her marriage to have been an open relationship versus when people have just not been faithful, people will say “oh we had an open relationship or an agreement.’ As much as I judge, it’s based on things she’s said about Carole and other people. I do care about the hypocrisy or the lying. I don’t really care how Luann lives her life. I do like her better when she’s owning it.”

Bethenny touched on Jules’ eating disorder and says that she stayed away but gave her some credit for sharing it, although she doesn’t think that people with addictions should be on reality TV because of the stress and things involved. She does reveal that Jules’ wacky behavior over the drugs and the calzone doesn’t get brought up on the reunion either.


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