Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Recap: Who Needs A Pre-Nup?

lhh mimi deb

VH1 has totally messed with my mind. A new episode of Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta happened last Thursday? I am a creature of habit…Remember that, Mona Scott Young. At least the network aired it again last night so I was able to catch up with all of the crazy drama. Karlie Redd is confronting Yung Joc and his Jill of all Trades at the fashion event she’s attending with Erica Dixon. Joc doesn’t even pretend to hide the fact he’s stepping out on her (unless you count the fact that he originally told her he was going out of town), and Karlie is cussing him up one side and down the other regarding his taste in Telly-Tubbies. Can’t she come up with something more original?

Waka Flocka Flame’s mother Deb is meeting with Mimi Faust, and she’s hoping the two can be each other’s support through their current hard times. Deb has recently lost her son, and Mimi’s father has just passed away. They share their respective stories of missed communications with their loved ones. Mimi reveals to Deb that Stevie J. has been so hateful to her, and she admits that her issues with Stevie are spilling over into all aspects of her life. Mimi sobs as she realizes that her childhood turmoil mixed with Stevie’s attitude is affecting her more than she ever knew. She didn’t meet her father until she was sixteen, and even though she hates Stevie, she wants Eva to have a good relationship with her father.


Benzino has put together a showcase to treat the world to Althea’s talents. She’s singing and debuting a very budget video of her and Benzino getting married. The song is called Ghetto Love, and Benzino shares that he has had Althea’s full body likeness tattooed on his rib, because, you know, Eve came from Adam’s rib. He’s so profound. Kirk and Rasheeda Frost are shocked to learn that the pair plans to wed in two weeks. Rasheeda wonders what the rush is all about until she realizes she’s probably not the best judge of relationships. Kirk believes his friend has lost it and wants to make sure his friend will be getting Althea to sign a pre-nup. Zino isn’t quite sure how to broach the subject, but Kirk quips if she loves the Z, she’ll sign the pre. Those are some killer song lyrics if you ask me! After Althea performs, she wants to plan an exclusive affair. He mentions pre-nup, and Althea wonders why he doesn’t trust her. Who wouldn’t trust that booty and side boob? Zino agrees and hollers, “Cheers to no pre-nup!” This should end well.

lhh zino tat

Joc is having a hard time juggling more than one lady, and he knows that Lil’ Scrappy can relate. He is ready to ditch Karlie for good and pursue something with the Telly-Tubby. Joc finds Karlie to be too messy. You don’t say! Scrap tells Joc that Bambi has accepted his diamond friendship ring, and Joc wonders if there isn’t still some feelings between Scrappy and Erica. So many ladies, so little time with these gentlemen! Across town, Mimi has agreed to meet with Stevie. She rakes him across the coals for being so ugly about her father’s death, and he apologizes. Of course, he can’t help but remind Mimi that everyone believes Nikko leaked their sex tape. Mimi doesn’t take kindly to Stevie bad mouthing the only person who has been there to support her, and she storms out of the bar. 

Imani has grown up into an adorable young lady, and she’s enjoying framily time (thanks for that, Sprint) with Erica and Scrappy at a fun park. The exes know that there has been a lot of flirting between them, but Erica thinks they are better off as friends. This quality time seems to be Imani riding go-carts and playing putt-putt while her parents discuss their past relationship. She’s basically playing by herself. Scrap wants Erica to make an effort with Momma Dee, but we all know how Dee feels about any other ladies in her son’s life.

lhh althea wedding dress

Rasheeda and a friend are wedding dress shopping with Althea. She jokes with Rasheeda that Kirk needs to stop pushing a pre-nup on Zino because she plans on owning part of Hip Hop Weekly one day soon. If Rasheeda didn’t know that Althea already made her own cash, she’d be worried she was a gold digger. As Althea models wedding dresses, she’s disappointed to learn it takes four to six months to order a dress…that won’t work for a wedding that is ten days away!

After family fun day, Scrappy approaches Momma Dee about a truce with Erica. He wants the women in his life to provide a good example for his daughter. Scrappy thinks the perfect place for their reunion will be at Erica’s upcoming fashion show. That isn’t a recipe for disaster. Dee can’t wait to be front and center at Erica’s show. Dee then breaks out into song, as she’s currently writing an R&B hit. Look out Beyonce

So remember when Tony and Kalenna were living in the moldy studio to save money? Well, overnight they’ve managed to afford to move into a giant McMansion. Rasheeda and Karlie bring over some gifts to welcome them into their new home. Rasheeda has treats for the baby, and Karlie presents Kalenna with a sex swing. That sounds about right. Karlie pretends that she doesn’t care that Zino is marrying Ho-Thea Althea in a week’s time. She’s got bigger fish to fry now that Joc is parading around with Miss Piggy. Who needs a man when Karlie can just watch Kalenna try out her new housewarming gift? 

lhh renee graziano

Why, yes. Yes it is!

Erica is finally debuting Class Six (thanks, y’all!), and all of her family and friends (it’s truly a framily event) are on hand to show their support. Wait, was that Renee Graziano? She’s a bit wary of the potential drama that Dee could bring to her show, especially given how much Dee and Erica’s mother hate one another. Thankfully, the ladies are able to hug it out and put their differences behind them. Wait, did an important event on L&HH ATL not end in a drink-throwing brawl? Someone is probably going to be fired due to this oversight! Dee even gives a tearful apology to Erica for all of the drama she’s caused in her past relationship with Scrappy

It’s been a tough week for Mimi what with the notoriety of the sex tape and the death of her dad, so it’s only fitting that she should learn via the Internet that her boyfriend Nikko and only source of support (according to her, at least) is actually a married P.O.S. We all knew he was a P.O.S., but a married P.O.S. is the worst kind, right? Mimi confronts Nikko hoping he’ll confirm that it’s just a bunch of lies, but no such luck.

Next week, Mona is pulling out the big guns with a Snoop Dogg cameo. Cannot. Wait.


[Photo Credit: VH1]