Little Women LA Recap: Movin’ On Up


This week's episode had of Little Women LA covered all the bases: romance, fighting, dieting, flirting, and so much more!

Christy McGinty and Todd kick off this episode in the produce section of the grocery store.  Their wedding is approaching and they’ve both decided they need to drop a few pounds.  Christy is choosing her healthy fruits and veggies for her juicing diet when she comes across some blood oranges that remind her… oh yeah!.. she’s not pregnant.  How lovely.  Christy and Todd are both relieved that the Rhythm Method phone app is still working for them, especially as one of Christy’s big factors for her last marriage failing was an early unexpected pregnancy… and the fact that it was a shotgun wedding, and he cheated, and she didn’t really love him, and so on.  Before leaving the store, Todd and Christy pinky-promise to stick to the juicing diet and dance classes to help their quality and quantity of life.  It’s nice they can work on it together!


Next up, Terra Jole, Elena Gant, Briana Mason, Tonya Banks, Christy, and Traci Harrison are attending a cooking class.  They’re making me really nervous with these knives.  It doesn’t appear that they have very much knife handling experience.  That, and the fact that these girls have had quite a bit of tension between them lately.  My anxiety doesn’t last long, as their attention turns to Tonya who tells them that her ex/father of her daughter/Kerwin is coming into town.  All of the girls look as surprised as me and Terra quickly reminds her of Trevor, the man Tonya met at speed dating, who she has now been regular dating.  Tonya stumbles over some words and tries to smooth it over with the girls, but they are still skeptical.

Fast forward to Tonya and Kerwin at dinner.  The chemistry between these two is really obvious as they reminisce about their first date. 


It’s also date night at Terra’s house, where she is putting those cooking lessons to use to make some pork chops for Joe.  It’s not going to so well.  He doesn’t even want to taste it.  Terra’s feelings are hurt because she is trying to spice up their relationship by doing things like this, and Joe just doesn’t really seem into it.

Todd and Christy are at their first dance class.  Christy has had a lot of experience dancing since she was young.  However, she has always had average height partners and was really happy to be dancing with Todd because she could actually look him in the eyes as they danced.  Todd isn’t the best dancer, but he was a good sport.  He got somewhat out of breath and was sweating quite a bit, and this worries Christy, but hey, getting in shape is the main reason for the dance lessons anyway!

Moving on, it’s bowling night with all the ladies and some of their men.  Tonya arrives with Kerwin, and Terra is like, “What is going on?”  All Tonya can tell Terra at the moment is that she is just really confused.  It looks like everyone is having a really good time bowling while Christy attempts to avoid the tempting greasy, fried, bowling alley food.  She sneaks in one slice of pizza, but Todd swoops in to help motivate her to stick to the diet plan.


Meanwhile, Joe is at it again, flirting with Elena.  Come on, Joe!  He is just down right rude and disrespectful.  For one, Elena is a married woman.  Two, he has a girlfriend.  Three, he just seems to have no shame or filter.  Terra confesses that her and Joe have had a rocky relationship that has consisted of both of them cheating on each other.  Part of me thinks the guilt and fear from the past is what makes Terra not have a larger reaction to him shamelessly flirting with Elena.  The things he says to Elena are disgusting.  Again, he mentions how he prefers their shared form of dwarfism over the form that Terra has.  He says that he thinks he and Elena would make beautiful babies.  Why does Elena not cut this off?  I know her and Terra have had some issues and are competitive, but this is completely inappropriate.  Elena’s poor choices did not end here, though.  She was on a roll at the bowling alley as she promptly went up to Kerwin and “accidentally” asked him if Tonya told him about the other guy she is seeing.

The events of the bowling night spurred Terra to want to take Joe on a trip to the lingerie store.  She is continuing her efforts of trying to spice things up.  The sales associate at the store did not help the situation by referring to Terra as cute and adorable.  I can see why Terra did not appreciate this, as she went to the lingerie store in hopes of getting something to look sexy in, not precious.  She models an outfit for Joe and he says it looks really good on her, but would look better on Elena. As my face meets the palm of my hand, Terra and Joe have a quick convo about his flirting and the status of their relationship.  He assures Terra that she is the only girl for him.  Let’s hope so.

The other couple feeling the effects of Elena’s bowling shenanigans is Tonya and Kerwin.  At dinner they discuss the status of their relationship.  Tonya admits that she has been wishy-washy and has huge commitment issues.  She wants Kerwin to be “the one” but something in the back of her mind tells her that he isn’t.

Later on at Terra’s, Terra gets all dolled up in hopes of wooing Joe.  He is way more interested in Peggy, the dog.  Joe admits he needs to work on his part of the relationship.  Terra feels like she is always chasing Joe and he never chases her.  They both have a lot of insecurities and they hope they can work through it.

Tonya and Kerwin go to the beach with their daughter.  Tonya explains that it’s very hard to imagine not being with Kerwin when the three of them are together as a family because they have such a strong bond.  Ultimately Tonya decides to break up with Kerwin, and I think this is best if she knows she can’t commit.  Kerwin seems like a nice guy and letting him go is better than stringing him along.

At Christy and Todd’s, they are weighing in to see if their dieting and dance classes are paying off.  They’ve each lost about five pounds.  Christy shares that she wants to be at a healthy weight to have a baby and she also worries about Todd having health issues.  They seem serious about getting healthy and I think they will stay devoted to the weight loss plan.


All the girls decide to get together for drinks.  Elena is worried about seeing Tonya because she feels bad about what she did at the bowling alley and she should be.  Tonya is not happy and tells Elena she needs to “stay in her lane.”  I agree!  That was none of her business.  Voices get raised, fingers get pointed in faces, poor Traci is covering her ears and eyes.  It isn’t pretty!  The fight gets broken up and after some counseling from the other girls, both Tonya and Elena apologize.  Terra was going to bring up the flirting between Joe and Elena, but decides to take a pass after the “almost brawl” that just happened.  Things end on good terms.

Lastly, we see Tonya and speed dater, Trevor, on a date.  She shares that she ended things with Kerwin and Trevor is really excited about that.  I hope she doesn’t end up with the same commitment issues she had with Kerwin if things happen to get serious with her and Trevor.  They’re so cute together!

Next time on Little Women: L.A.: Elena wants a boob job, Terra is making a music video and would like all of the girls to be in it, Christy doesn’t want anyone in Terra’s music video, and a fight ensues between the girls AND the guys.  I also hope to see more of Traci next week.  Where has she been??  Can’t wait!

Recap Author: Cecile O'Neil


Photo Credit: Lifetime