Farrah Abraham’s Father Michael Denies That He Abused Her; Writing A Tell-All Book!

farrah-abraham and michael abraham

Farrah Abraham will do anything for attention and sympathy – even sell out her own parents! Despite the fact that Michael Abraham and Debra Danielson have supported Farrah from 16 & Pregnant, through Teen Mom, through DUIs, through Pornos, through Sex Toys, through Couples Therapy and infinity and beyond, she still accused them of abuse and boo-hoo'ed about her terrible childhood. 

Now Michael is fighting back and writing a tell-all book! “It’s about being a grandfather and a parent to Farrah and [her daughter] Sophia,” Celebuzz. “It will address things you didn’t see on TV and things nobody has ever heard of."

Michael wants this book to clear-up misconceptions about his image, such as what viewers saw as his dysfunctional family relationships or the rumor that he helped Farrah broker her sex tape deal with Vivid. “It’s about our struggles and our blessings. It will address some of our hardships, being on a reality TV show and the real hard facts from the last year," Michael explains.


“People don’t understand. When you deal with a controversial subject such as teen pregnancy and the dynamics we were in, we were in the middle of a divorce and at the time it was very hard.” Michael says of MTV capturing a very stressful time for his family. Compounded by the fact that Farrah is ABSOLUTELY INSANE! 

Michael says he will definitely be addressing claims that he abused Farrah“I think I disciplined my daughter once and Farrah and I talked about it after filming,” said Michael. Michael says he also appeared on Couples Therapy addressing Farrah's childhood, but VH1 cut the scenes. On the show he denied being abusive towards Farrah. 

“I did not abuse her and any discipline was just and fair,” Michael says. “I don’t think Farrah would let me care for Sophia as I’ve done if I had done anything out of line. I love my daughter.”

As for those pesky rumors that he helped Farrah achieve her career goals in the adult entertainment industry, Michael insists he had no part in that!  “Vivid [Entertainment] and the press made me look like I negotiated that deal and I did not." 

Despite what seems like a book that will expose the truth about Farrah's lyin' ways, Michael maintains that he wants people to see a different, more positive side to Farrah. 

“I want to show how strong my daughter really is and what a hard worker she is for Sophia," Michael clarifies. "She could have been just another gal that was pregnant, eating Bon Bons and drinking beer, but she’s not." 


“There are always going to be haters out there,” Michael opines. “You know what, Farrah’s life is completely around Sophia. And what she has accomplished, she has to have a life. So she wants to show her daughter, she loves Sophia."

“She is doing this all on her own. Farrah knows how to get her name out there. But her self-promotion is on the entertainment side,” Michael says, adding that Farrah would never sell-out her family for fame. She wouldn't? Errr… Michael has you subscription to the internet expired?  

[Photo Credit: NBC & VH1]