Duck Dynasty’s Uncle Si Introduces Viewers To Wife Christine!

si duck dynasty

I know you'll agree with me that it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.  Silas Robertson is married, y'all!  Of course, we all already knew this, although Uncle Si's wife has stayed out of the spotlight while her husband and family skyrocketed to fame with Duck Dynasty.

When news of Si's happy forty-three union became common knowledge, hearts were breaking all over the country, although his love for his wife made all those broken-hearted ladies adore him even more.  Am I right?  Oh, I know I am!

On the heels of his Si-Cology 1: Tales and Wisdom From Duck Dynasty's Favorite Uncle book launch, Si took the viewers of Good Morning America on a behind the scenes tour of the show.  The highlight?  He introduced the world to his wife Christine.


In the special video, Si proclaims, "One woman's got my heart, and we've been married for 43 years.  Her name is Miss Christine."

The couple has two grown children, and Si has been working for his brother Phil's duck call company since the 90's after serving twenty-five years in the military. Si jokes that he had to ask Christine to marry him over a hundred times before she said yes. Retorts Christine, "It was about seventy-five."

It's Christine who is responsible for Si's ever-present pitcher of tea.  She brews two gallons of unsweetened tea every day "the old-fashioned way" according to Si.  He shares her method, instructing, "Put three bags in a pot of water, turn the heat on the water and let it boil, put a saucer over it and let it seep. Then pour it into a gallon jug and then I drink it."

And the cups from which he drinks his tea? They're the same cups Si's mother sent to him when he was serving his tours in Vietnam. Seriously, how could you not love this man?

Check out the video below and enjoy the cameos from his nephews Willie, Jase, and Jep!


[Photo Credit: A&E]